
Modern Slavery in Nepal

Modern Slavery in Nepal

Free the Slaves, along with the Alliance Against Trafficking of Women and Children in Nepal (AATWIN) and the Shanti Foundation, have worked on putting together a fact sheet on ‘Modern Slavery in Nepal’ for easy and handy availability of information on modern slavery....

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Freedom from Slavery Forum Focuses on Asia

Anti-slavery movement leaders across Asia convened virtually via Zoom in August at the first-ever Freedom from Slavery Forum - Asia to discuss issues most pertinent to the continent and set priorities for next year around the theme of “Resilience and Resistance to...

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Can You Help Promote Safe Labor Migration?

What happens when the promise of a better tomorrow suddenly becomes a nightmare?  The transatlantic slave trade was the largest forced migration in history. For more than four centuries, Africans were kidnapped, sold to slave traders, and forced onto slave ships...

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The Enslaved Need Your Help on #GivingTuesdayNow

Your generosity has changed lives around the world. The programs you support at Free the Slaves help people learn new skills and start microenterprises that build financial resiliency. Your contributions mean that slavery survivors are less likely to be re-enslaved,...

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Global Freedom One Community at a Time

Dear Friends and Supporters, I write this letter as I shelter in place amidst the spreading of the coronavirus pandemic. The close tethering to our homes underscores the importance of communities even in today’s hyperconnected world. Likewise, eliminating slavery...

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Our Rights Make Us Human

Former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt once observed that “the future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.” At Free the Slaves, we dream of a future where everyone is free from slavery. Roosevelt believed in that dream too. Freedom from slavery is near the top...

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The Value of Resilience

It takes resilience to live in rural Nepal. Mountainous terrain and a lack of roads limit access to healthcare and education. Caste systems and violence against women and children create socioeconomic disparity. Dependence on agriculture and tourism limit the national...

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Community Liberation Initiative Takes Root

Free the Slaves has begun the work of educating field workers at high-impact international development organizations how to liberate entire communities from slavery. This year, we have partnered with READ Nepal, a group that helps villagers improve their livelihoods,...

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Rejecting Racism, Strengthening our Bonds

Every day, the staff of Free the Slaves works in solidarity with local partners and communities to help bring about a more just world. We do so in Haiti, in several countries in Africa, and in Asia. Every day, our staff manifests tremendous dedication and skill. Every...

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Women Freeing Women from Slavery in Nepal

It’s International Women’s Day – a great opportunity to see for yourself how women are confronting and overcoming human trafficking in one of the world’s worst hot spots, Nepal.Seema and Kamala know firsthand how women who are migrating for work can be tricked and...

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Survivor-Friendly Police Training in Nepal

Police officers in Nepal sometimes respond with indifference to human trafficking cases, impeding slavery survivors’ access to justice.That is beginning to change, thanks to the Free the Slaves front-line partner organization GMSP. It is working with local and...

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Nepal Bans Slavery in New Constitution

With a new national charter that took effect over the weekend, Nepal has taken an unusual step: banning human trafficking directly in the country’s constitution.This puts Nepal – one of the world’s worst hot spots for modern-day slavery – in the vanguard of nations...

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Update on Earthquake Impact and Recovery in Nepal

It’s been two weeks since a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck Nepal, and we are learning more details about the severity of the impact on our staff and partners.Free the Slaves Nepal Director Neelam Sharma and members of our front-line partner organizations have been...

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Earthquake Impact on FTS Staff and Partners in Nepal

Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Nepal, as they recover from the devastating earthquake that struck on Saturday. We are relieved to report that staffers for Free the Slaves and our front-line partner organizations are safe with their families at this...

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What Does “M&E” Mean to You?

Google the term “M&E” and you’ll discover it means different things to different people. If you’re a builder, it means mechanical & electrical. If you’re an accountant, it means meals & entertainment. If you’re a filmmaker it means music & effects. And...

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New Video: What Does Slavery Look Like Today?

It’s an ancient abuse. But it persists throughout the world today. Slavery remains one of the greatest human rights challenges of history. Modern-day slavery looks different than the sailing ships and shackles we learned about in high school history class. Today, it’s...

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FTS Country Directors Brief U.S. State Dept.

It isn’t often that all five FTS country directors are in the same place at the same time. But it happened last week in Washington, as our overseas staff briefed the U.S. State Department’s "J/TIP" anti-trafficking team. The presentation was called “Innovations on the...

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FTS Hero Now a CNN Hero

FTS considers all our donors and supporters to be heroes. We’re proud to report that CNN also recognizes one of them as a hero, too. Scott Strode, a longtime friend and supporter of FTS, has been named one of the 10 CNN Heroes for 2012. You can view Scott’s CNN Hero...

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Can a Picture Free 1000 Slaves?

When it comes to fighting slavery, creativity and innovation are essential. So Free the Slaves and our frontline partners use art to teach community members around the world about their rights. We’ve found that picture strips are remarkably successful. The images...

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The Importance of Being Heard

In Nepal, we call the news media a “third eye.” They play a vital role in development by minimizing the gap between the public and government. They alert the public by exposing hidden issues. If your group and your cause are covered by the media, there is stronger...

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Training Police to Target Traffickers

About 50,000 women and girls work in restaurants, dance bars and massage parlors in Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu. Many of them endure brutal sexual abuse. One tool to ending the exploitation is to educate the country’s community police force to recognize sex slavery and...

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10,000 Nepalis Take a Stand Against Slavery

Thousands of Nepalis have petitioned their government to adopt the world's primary anti-trafficking treaty. Nepali anti-slavery groups supported by Free the Slaves have mobilized impressive grassroots support for the "Palermo Protocol." The protocol's official name is...

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Fighting Slavery in Nepal

This video, produced by Free the Slaves, takes a big picture look at slavery in Nepal—and how Free the Slaves partners with grass roots organizations to end it. Learn more about our work in Nepal here, here and here.

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Nepali Women Vulnerable to Multiple Enslavement

Reports came out over the weekend from the United Nations and local media in Nepal, showing that many women are enslaved multiple times. Free the Slaves works with several anti-slavery organizations in Nepal, where poverty forces many to seek employment away from...

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