
UN Security Council Research

UN Security Council Research

On Tuesday, June 4th, Free the Slaves and the University of Nottingham Rights Lab launched their joint report, “Modern Slavery and the United Nations Security Council” at the Church Center for the United Nations in New York, New York. This exciting event began at 2 PM...

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Migration Vigilance Committees

Free the Slaves along with our partner organizations MSEMVS and Verite are running The Safe Migration to GCC program in the Mirzapur and Bhadohi districts of Uttar Pradesh. To learn more about the safe migration guide click here. If you’re interested in learning about...

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Inaugural Elkes Impact Award Winners Announced

The Elkes Impact Awards were established in recognition of the tremendous work local advocate survivors and civil society organizations are doing in their communities. Local survivors and organizations too often do not receive widespread acknowledgment of their work,...

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2021 Regional Forums Initiative Concludes

It’s been a busy past three months! The Freedom from Slavery Forum held three regional events focusing on Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa, and the combined regions of North America, Europe, and the Caribbean. This concluded the series of 2021 regional...

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Fair Food: Who Picked Your Produce?

Editor’s Note: This guest blog from a Free the Slaves advocacy partner in the Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking highlights how a key program to fight modern slavery in American agriculture has moved from a theory of change to a proven solution. The Coalition of...

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Freedom from Slavery Forum Focuses on Asia

Anti-slavery movement leaders across Asia convened virtually via Zoom in August at the first-ever Freedom from Slavery Forum - Asia to discuss issues most pertinent to the continent and set priorities for next year around the theme of “Resilience and Resistance to...

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FTS Joins Global Push to End Child Labor

Saturday, June 12 is the U.N. World Day Against Child Labor, and this year takes on special importaance because 2021 is the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labor. Organizations around the globe, including Free the Slaves, have pledged to create special...

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New Video for Passover Zoom Seders

Unable to safely gather in person in large numbers, many of us will turn to Zoom and other digital platforms for Passover Seders. The Free the Slaves Passover Project has produced a unique video to help deepen the experience of this year’s online and hybrid...

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Celebrating Women of Free the Slaves

For more than 100 years, International Women's Day has put a spotlight onto issues affecting women around the world. Today, International Women's Day belongs to everyone who believes that women's rights are human rights. We Asked some of Free the Slaves’ leading...

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Leave No One Behind on Human Rights Day

It’s Human Rights Day, when the world commemorates the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which includes the right to be free from slavery. Human rights are supposed to apply to everyone, everywhere, without regard to sex or race or age. But in Ghana, three...

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Why We Produced Free the Slaves’ Untold Story

522 Productions is proud to assist Free the Slaves as the winner of the #untoldstory nonprofit video contest, launched in July 2019. 522 Productions is an award-winning video production company committed to driving social change through the videos we create. As we...

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Can You Help Promote Safe Labor Migration?

What happens when the promise of a better tomorrow suddenly becomes a nightmare?  The transatlantic slave trade was the largest forced migration in history. For more than four centuries, Africans were kidnapped, sold to slave traders, and forced onto slave ships...

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Stand Against Anti-Haitian Racism

For more than 150 years Haiti and the Dominican Republic have shared the island of Hispaniola. Their relationship, however, has not been pleasant. Sadly, this antagonism has led to the creation of racially biased policies against Haitians in the Dominican territory.  ...

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Help Free Indians Trapped in the Caste System

Are you aware of the caste system in India? If you’re unfamiliar, it is a social structure that divides different groups into ranked categories. A person’s caste determines their social status, their livelihood, who they can marry and where they can live.  In the...

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Freedom Needs Truth

The ATEST Coalition, which includes Free the Slaves, has signed on to this open letter about the impact of QAnon on anti-trafficking work. An open letter to Candidates, the Media, Political Parties, and Policymakers: As survivors, service providers, human and labor...

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Can You Help Stop Child Slavery?

Did you know that 1 in 4 victims of modern slavery are children?   At 7 years old, Kwezi left his childhood home with expectations of a better life and more opportunities. But that was far from his reality. Instead, he was tricked by traffickers and was forced to work...

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Promoting Racial Justice Can Stop Modern Slavery

Racial injustice is a legacy of slavery. The Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment outlawed slavery in the U.S., and the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights helped prohibit slavery around the world. But these remarkable achievements did not end slavery. And...

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ATEST Expands, Adding Three New Organizations

Three trailblazing organizations have joined the Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking (ATEST), expanding the alliance’s depth and breadth of expertise and strengthening the alliance’s collective voice. HEAL Trafficking, Humanity United Action and the McCain...

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Opportunities in an Age of Adaptation

The 8th annual Freedom from Slavery Forum is happening in a unique and exceptional environment. Countries have taken measures to contain the COVID-19 global pandemic, but modern-day slavery including sexual slavery, forced labor and human trafficking has grown worse...

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Grassroots Advocacy Continues via Zoom

The COVID-19 global pandemic has disrupted anti-trafficking work around the world. But the Free the Saves India team has continued to press ahead with vital online advocacy training that builds bridges between communities and government officials. FTS work in India...

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Slavery Survivors Help Haiti’s COVID-19 Response

I’d like to share some important and inspiring news from our program in Haiti. There’s a deep sense of community spirit among Haiti’s slavery survivors. That’s why the Adult Survivor Network has stepped forward to be part of the country’s response to the COVID-19...

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Freedom Forward

It is a great honor for me to become the next chair of the board of directors for Free the Slaves, one of the founding and leading organizations of the global movement against modern slavery. I am grateful to my dear friend and predecessor, Dan Elkes, whose uncommon...

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The Enslaved Need Your Help on #GivingTuesdayNow

Your generosity has changed lives around the world. The programs you support at Free the Slaves help people learn new skills and start microenterprises that build financial resiliency. Your contributions mean that slavery survivors are less likely to be re-enslaved,...

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COVID-19 Impact on Communities Plagued by Slavery

I hope that you and your family are healthy and safe during these difficult times. I am reaching out to you today to share about how the Covid-19 global pandemic is affecting communities where slavery makes people especially vulnerable to disasters and financial...

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Global Freedom One Community at a Time

Dear Friends and Supporters, I write this letter as I shelter in place amidst the spreading of the coronavirus pandemic. The close tethering to our homes underscores the importance of communities even in today’s hyperconnected world. Likewise, eliminating slavery...

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