FTS Nepal Partner Wins Major Human Rights Award

We’ve received wonderful news that one of our Nepali partners, Shakti Samuha, has just won a prestigious award for its anti-trafficking work. It’s called the Ramon Magsaysay Award, and it is presented annually for achievements that improve lives and transform societies. It’s considered by many to be Asia’s premier prize and highest honor. Shakti Samuha, an […]
July 25, 2013

We’ve received wonderful news that one of our Nepali partners, Shakti Samuha, has just won a prestigious award for its anti-trafficking work.

It’s called the Ramon Magsaysay Award, and it is presented annually for achievements that improve lives and transform societies. It’s considered by many to be Asia’s premier prize and highest honor.

Shakti Samuha, an organization formed by sex slavery survivors, works to liberate women and girls from sexual exploitation in Kathmandu’s dance bars, restaurants and massage parlors. The Ramon Magsaysay Award committee was impressed by the dedication and leadership that Shakti Samuha has brought to the anti-slavery movement in Nepal.

“In electing Shakti Samuha to receive the 2013 Ramon Magsaysay Award, the board of trustees recognizes its founders and members for transforming their lives in service to other human trafficking survivors, for their passionate dedication towards rooting out a pernicious social evil in Nepal, and the radiant example they have shown the world in reclaiming the human dignity that is the birthright of all abused women and children everywhere.”

FTS has supported Shakti Samuha for the past six years, providing intensive support to its organizational development and ability to demonstrate results.

The Ramon Magsaysay Award “is richly deserved in light of the courageous and path breaking work in which Shakti Samuha has engaged,” says FTS Executive Director Maurice Middleberg. “Free the Slaves is proud to be a partner.”

Read more about Shakti Samuha’s work on the FTS Nepal webpage.


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