Last Day to Give the Gift of Freedom—Donate to End Slavery in Nepal!

UPDATE 2: We did it! Thanks to your support, we hit our mark. $50,000 will go to Free the Slaves Nepal projects. UPDATE: We are just $7,000 away from reaching our goal of $50,000! Every penny counts—today is the last day to have your donation matched! Give the gift of FREEDOM this Valentine’s day! Since […]
February 14, 2011

UPDATE 2: We did it! Thanks to your support, we hit our mark. $50,000 will go to Free the Slaves Nepal projects.

UPDATE: We are just $7,000 away from reaching our goal of $50,000! Every penny counts—today is the last day to have your donation matched!

Give the gift of FREEDOM this Valentine’s day!

Since 2007, FTS and our partners in Nepal have helped women and girls gain freedom from slavery and rebuild their lives while also addressing root causes that allow slavery to flourish.

To help us do our work, a generous foundation has agreed to match every donation made to our Nepal projects, dollar-for-dollar. But time is running out. Today is the last day to have your donation matched.

Give the gift of freedom today by going to our donation page here and selecting “Nepal Matching Fund” in the designator window when prompted. Or click on the orange box below.

For more information, contact Free the Slaves Major Gifts Officer Sarah Gardner here!

Find out more about our work in Nepal here, here and here.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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