New Documentary Film Features Work of FTS: See Trailer Now & Sign-Up for Premiere

The team from Stillmotion has wrapped-up filming for their new documentary, #standwithme. The film’s preview is now available online. You can also sign up now to attend premiere screenings of the film in 30 U.S. cities coast to coast early next year! This feature-length film chronicles how artistry and activism can build bridges to freedom […]
December 5, 2013

The team from Stillmotion has wrapped-up filming for their new documentary, #standwithme. The film’s preview is now available online. You can also sign up now to attend premiere screenings of the film in 30 U.S. cities coast to coast early next year!

This feature-length film chronicles how artistry and activism can build bridges to freedom for millions trapped in slavery around the world. It tells the story of Lisa Kristine’s heart-stopping photographs of slavery hot spots where Free the Slaves works. (Purchase Lisa’s prints and book here – proceeds benefit Free the Slaves.)

A California family saw Lisa’s slavery photos in her gallery – and decided to snap into action. Vivienne Harr raised thousands of dollars for the anti-slavery movement by selling lemonade. Her family has started bottling the recipe and is selling it online and in small grocery stores. Free the Slaves is one of several organizations that will benefit from Make A Stand Lemon-Aid sales.

Maurice with CCPC

Stillmotion crew videotapes FTS Executive Director Maurice Middleberg meeting with a village community child protection committee in Ghana | FTS Photo/ Gillmore

Filming for #standwithme concluded three weeks ago, as the Stillmotion team followed FTS Executive Director Maurice Middleberg to visit our anti-slavery work in Ghana.

The filmmakers documented the brutal conditions that children endure in fishing slavery on Lake Volta.

The film crew also photographed how the innovative techniques used by FTS and our front line partner organization Challenging Heights help reduce and prevent child slavery.

Watch the trailer, sign up to see the movie, and take a stand to end slavery.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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