FTS Hero Now a CNN Hero

FTS considers all our donors and supporters to be heroes. We’re proud to report that CNN also recognizes one of them as a hero, too. Scott Strode, a longtime friend and supporter of FTS, has been named one of the 10 CNN Heroes for 2012. You can view Scott’s CNN Hero profile here, and vote […]
November 19, 2012

FTS considers all our donors and supporters to be heroes. We’re proud to report that CNN also recognizes one of them as a hero, too.

Scott Strode, a longtime friend and supporter of FTS, has been named one of the 10 CNN Heroes for 2012. You can view Scott’s CNN Hero profile here, and vote for him to be named CNN Hero of the Year!

Scott was chosen by CNN for founding Phoenix Multisport, a Colorado nonprofit that creates a physically active lifestyle for recovering substance abusers.

“Through such pursuits as climbing, hiking, running, swimming, road and mountain biking,” Scott’s group says, “we seek to help our members develop and maintain the emotional strength they need to stay sober.”

Scott founded Phoenix Multisport because he knows firsthand that recovering substance abusers need to change their lifestyle and circle of friends. It helped Scott put his own drug and alcohol abuse behind him.

“I want to help people find a better life being sober,” Scott says. “I had completely redefined myself, so I thought how could I give this to other people.”

It was Scott’s attraction to outdoor sports and the wilderness that took him high into the Himalayas of Nepal, where he came face-to-face with human trafficking.

Because of what he had seen, Scott’s family foundation became a dedicated supporter of our work in Nepal.

Now, you can support Scott, just like he has supported so many others!

The public determines who will become CNN’s Hero of the Year. Voting is underway now through November 28th.

Vote for Scott! Then watch him on CNN on December 2nd at 9 p.m. ET.

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