The Enslaved Need Your Help on #GivingTuesdayNow

Your generosity has changed lives around the world. The programs you support at Free the Slaves help people learn new skills and start microenterprises that build financial resiliency. Your contributions mean that slavery survivors are less likely to be re-enslaved, and vulnerable communities become slavery-proof. However, on the front lines of modern slavery today, the COVID-19 pandemic threatens […]
May 4, 2020

Your generosity has changed lives around the world. The programs you support at Free the Slaves help people learn new skills and start microenterprises that build financial resiliency. Your contributions mean that slavery survivors are less likely to be re-enslaved, and vulnerable communities become slavery-proof.

However, on the front lines of modern slavery today, the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to reverse decades of progress. The disadvantaged are being hit especially hard. Many are not receiving government assistance. And a return to “normal” will mean the resumption of slavery at farms, factories, mines, fishing boats and brothels.

Don’t Forget the Enslaved on #GivingTuesdayNow


Generosity is a powerful force for positive change. Generosity unites people of all races, faiths and political views. Generosity is a fundamental human value. Today, we ask for your generosity on behalf of the thousands of individuals that Free the Slaves assists in the global battle against modern slavery.

We’re experiencing #GivingTuesdayNow in a time of social distancing, but I hope you will continue to support our essential work in some of the world’s worst trafficking hot spots. The bond that we have built, together, between communities that need help and those who can provide it must not be broken.


Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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