Face to Face with Slavery Film Series Premieres This Week

Two remarkable volunteer filmmakers are on the front lines with Free the Slaves this year to document what freedom looks like. Cassie and Jordan Timpy, a couple from Washington, have decided to donate their skills “for a greater purpose.” They have included Free the Slaves as one of the global nonprofits whose work they will […]
April 23, 2015

Two remarkable volunteer filmmakers are on the front lines with Free the Slaves this year to document what freedom looks like.

Cassie and Jordan Timpy, a couple from Washington, have decided to donate their skills “for a greater purpose.”

They have included Free the Slaves as one of the global nonprofits whose work they will document in a series of short videos.

We are proud to premiere the first of their videos this week. It’s called Stopping the Traffic.  

In this short film, two courageous trafficking survivors in Nepal, Seema and Kamala, describe how they were enslaved while migrating for work. The women escaped and are now helping to prevent others from falling prey to traffickers.

Seema says in the video that working as an abolitionist with our front-line partner organization Shakti Samuha now helps her “live in my family and society with dignity.”

Keep an eye on the Free the Slaves blog, Free the Slaves video page, and the Timpy’s Agape Visuals site for new films from the front lines every other week for the next four months!

And check out our Nepal program webpage for more on how Free the Slaves is making a difference there.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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