FTS Model for Freedom

India Girl Escapes Slavery & Restarts Her Life

Sangita is just 15, but she’s seen a lot. Her parents needed to borrow money from a local brick factory owner, who forced Sangita’s entire family into slavery at the kiln to pay off the debt. Now she is free, and her story underscores how the FTS Community Model for...

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A Childhood Rescued from Slavery

Like many children who fall into slavery, Mukhal’s story begins with tragedy. His father died three years ago, when he was 9, leaving his family in a precarious financial situation.Human traffickers are always on the lookout for this kind of vulnerability. One reached...

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Debt-Free Weddings Prevent Slavery in India

Indian weddings are legendary – they are large, loud, colorful, and can last for days. Because it is such a big cultural occasion, families plan the biggest event possible. That expense is how marriage ceremonies can lead to slavery. Helping newlyweds and their...

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Survivor-Friendly Police Training in Nepal

Police officers in Nepal sometimes respond with indifference to human trafficking cases, impeding slavery survivors’ access to justice.That is beginning to change, thanks to the Free the Slaves front-line partner organization GMSP. It is working with local and...

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FTS Leader Teaches Students How to Free Slaves

When asked what he does for a living, Maurice Middleberg answers with a smile: “I free slaves.” Last week, he told students just how he does it, as a guest lecturer at the University of Denver's Josef Korbel School of International Studies’ Human Trafficking Center....

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Religious Leaders Vow to Fight Congo Slavery

Seventeen religious leaders from different faiths agreed they’ll take action with their congregations to confront modern slavery, following an in-depth workshop with Free the Slaves and our Congolese partner organizations in Goma earlier this month.The training...

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New Animated Video: Our Formula for Freedom

It takes more than passion and indignation to eradicate the evil of slavery. It takes science. That’s why Free the Slaves has developed our Community Based Model for Fighting Slavery. It’s a four-step formula that guides our work to bring entire communities from...

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Children of the Mines

When you see what unlicensed gold mines look like in Ghana, you’ll be shocked to learn that children must endure these inhuman working conditions.“It’s not very easy,” says Isaac, who worked in the mines at age 13. “Sometimes you have to carry the stones on your head...

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Thinking Globally, Acting Locally to End Slavery

We’ve all heard the slogan about protecting the earth’s environment: “Think Globally, Act Locally.” Free the Slaves is applying that type of logic to our worldwide effort to protect the earth’s most vulnerable people from slavery.As a global organization, Free the...

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Ghana’s Children are More Precious than Gold

Ghana’s gold mines are a source of prosperity and pain. Gold is a huge part of the country’s economy. But for children, mining can bring misery and death.“The conditions in the unlicensed gold mining sites are deplorable, especially for children,” says Free the Slaves...

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The Economics of Freedom in the Congo

Economic freedom is vital for trafficking survivors. If a person liberated from slavery cannot earn a living, they are vulnerable to becoming enslaved again. That’s why Free the Slaves and our front-line partner organizations help provide skills training and...

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See What Freedom Looks Like in Newest FTS Film

Before they were rescued from slavery, residents of Sakdouri lived in terror.“Someone promised us jobs at a brick kiln,” says Durga. But they were never paid. “When we asked the owner, he beat us” Durga says.“The brick kiln owner and his supervisor threatened to throw...

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Education Helps Fight Child Slavery

Today marks the 13th annual World Day Against Child Labor, and this year’s theme is education. That’s because educating children is one of the most effective ways to prevent them from becoming exploited in hard labor or slavery.Schooling prepares children for...

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The Free the Slaves Formula for Freedom

Have you ever wondered just how Free the Slaves helps thousands of people escape bondage each year? Well, now you can read the step-by-step procedures we follow for leading communities from slavery to freedom. Our “Community Based Model for Fighting Slavery” is...

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