Free the Slaves Makes History: 10,000 Slaves Freed

The first part of our mission statement is crystal clear: liberate slaves. And with your continuing support, Free the Slaves is achieving that goal. Together, we have just crossed a historic milestone: freeing more than 10,000 people from slavery worldwide since Free the Slaves was formed 15 years ago. Actually, the exact number is even […]
April 21, 2015

The first part of our mission statement is crystal clear: liberate slaves. And with your continuing support, Free the Slaves is achieving that goal.

Together, we have just crossed a historic milestone: freeing more than 10,000 people from slavery worldwide since Free the Slaves was formed 15 years ago.

Actually, the exact number is even higher: 10,890 freed as of the end of 2014. The pace of change is picking up, too. Free the Slaves liberated 2,265 people from slavery in 2014 alone. Here are the full details of our 2014 results:

Free the Slaves 2014 Impact


  • 2,265 People freed from slavery
  • 82,583 Villagers educated to protect their families from traffickers
  • 1,977 Villages and neighborhoods supported to protect their communities from slavery
  • 1,281 government officials trained on how to fight slavery
  • 163 Traffickers and slaveholders arrested

At a landmark moment like this, it’s important to acknowledge that Free the Slaves could not have achieved this impact without the thousands of donors over the years who have contributed their money, time, ideas and moral support. You are the ones who are opening the lock for those trapped in slavery around the globe.

The 2014 numbers demonstrate that we are also focused on the second part of our mission statement: changing the conditions that allow slavery to persist. By educating the vulnerable about their rights and mobilizing them to take action, Free the Slaves is helping to prevent more people from falling into slavery. By training government officials and referring cases to authorities, we are making traffickers pay a price for their brutality.

You can learn more about how we are achieving and documenting these remarkable results by visiting the Our Model for Freedom section of the Free the Slaves website.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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