
The Free the Slaves Blog provides a platform for dialogue about how slavery affects communities around the world—and what can be done to eliminate it.
Addressing Modern Slavery in Cambodia

Addressing Modern Slavery in Cambodia

Modern slavery in Cambodia is not just a statistic; it’s a human crisis that demands immediate and sustained action. In today’s world, the term ‘slavery’ often conjures images of a dark past. However, this grave violation of human rights persists in contemporary society under the guise of ‘modern slavery.’ This encompasses forced labor, human trafficking, forced marriage, and various forms of exploitation. Particularly concerning is the situation in Cambodia, a country grappling with these issues on multiple fronts.

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42 Survivors Return Home

The Kedougu region of Senegal is currently caught up in a gold rush, with thousands of people working in informal artesian gold mining. Despite the economic potential of gold, it creates comes with a price that has is a darker effect on the community. A local belief...

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Get Involved

2021 Regional Forums Initiative Concludes

It’s been a busy past three months! The Freedom from Slavery Forum held three regional events focusing on Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa, and the combined regions of North America, Europe, and the Caribbean. This concluded the series of 2021 regional...

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Our Work

I still have hope in my 50’s

I still have hope in my 50’s

Last year Free The Slaves joined HopeBox, an NGO based in Vietnam, to serve survivors of domestic abuse and slavery. While working in the city of Hanoi, Free The Slaves and Hope Box had the privilege of meeting Tina*. This is Tina’s story of overcoming fear and...

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Raising Awareness in Schools

Raising Awareness in Schools

“One child, one teacher, one pen, and one book can change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai. Children are like clay. We can mold them into any shape and form just by our actions or our words. If we take the time to educate children, FTS and our partners believe that many...

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Can You Envision a World Free from Slavery?

This has been a challenging year, but we know that 2021 holds the promise of renewal. While the COVID-19 pandemic has made racial inequality and modern slavery worse, the recovery will provide an opportunity for a global reset. We do not need to repeat the inequities...

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Why We Have Hope

I have hope as we approach the year-end holidays, and I hope that you do, too. With the many challenges we face in promoting equality and universal freedom in the world today, what brings me hope is the optimism I hear from slavery survivors and their families around...

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The Enslaved Need Your Help on #GivingTuesdayNow

Your generosity has changed lives around the world. The programs you support at Free the Slaves help people learn new skills and start microenterprises that build financial resiliency. Your contributions mean that slavery survivors are less likely to be re-enslaved,...

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Global Freedom One Community at a Time

Dear Friends and Supporters, I write this letter as I shelter in place amidst the spreading of the coronavirus pandemic. The close tethering to our homes underscores the importance of communities even in today’s hyperconnected world. Likewise, eliminating slavery...

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I still have hope in my 50’s

I still have hope in my 50’s

Last year Free The Slaves joined HopeBox, an NGO based in Vietnam, to serve survivors of domestic abuse and slavery. While working in the city of Hanoi, Free The Slaves and Hope Box had the privilege of meeting Tina*. This is Tina’s story of overcoming fear and...

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Children Free from Slavery in Ghana

Children Free from Slavery in Ghana

Twenty victims of human trafficking finally got to taste freedom in the remote regions of Ghana. Free the Slaves, and our partners in Ghana removed them from modern slavery in the districts of Pru East, Sene East, Krachi West, and East Gonja, located in the country’s...

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