
The Free the Slaves Blog provides a platform for dialogue about how slavery affects communities around the world—and what can be done to eliminate it.
Capacity Building in Mauritania

Capacity Building in Mauritania

This post was written by Dame Ba, Mauritania Program Coordinator Free the Slaves is working hard trying to change the conditions that allow slavery to persist. That’s why we're continuing our work in Mauritania to promote social inclusion and prevent the...

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Get Involved

Can You Help Stop Child Slavery?

Did you know that 1 in 4 victims of modern slavery are children?   At 7 years old, Kwezi left his childhood home with expectations of a better life and more opportunities. But that was far from his reality. Instead, he was tricked by traffickers and was forced to work...

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Promoting Racial Justice Can Stop Modern Slavery

Racial injustice is a legacy of slavery. The Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment outlawed slavery in the U.S., and the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights helped prohibit slavery around the world. But these remarkable achievements did not end slavery. And...

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Our Work

Global Freedom One Community at a Time

Dear Friends and Supporters, I write this letter as I shelter in place amidst the spreading of the coronavirus pandemic. The close tethering to our homes underscores the importance of communities even in today’s hyperconnected world. Likewise, eliminating slavery...

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20 Years of Fighting for Freedom

The year 2020 brings several important anniversaries. It’s the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Palermo Protocol, the landmark treaty to confront modern forms of slavery worldwide. It’s the 20th anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, the...

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How Education Conquers Child Slavery

It's back-to-school time for many Free the Slaves supporters. That means it's a perfect opportunity to reflect on the importance of educating a child. I thought I should share with you the observations of our development director, Lori Fitzmaurice, from her recent...

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Haiti Enacts World’s Newest Anti-Trafficking Law

Slavery has been illegal in Haiti longer than anywhere else. Yet the enslavement of children as domestic servants through the restavek system of child trafficking continues to plague the nation. The Walk Free Global Slavery Index estimates more than 209,000 Haitians...

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Double the Number of Slaves Living Free

A single piece of paper can change someone’s life. That’s why Free the Slaves provides vital legal support for people we liberate from bondage. This summer, you can double the number of survivors who receive official documentation to put slavery behind them and resume...

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Ensuring Trafficking Survivors Get Justice

The Human Trafficking Legal Center in the U.S. has a saying: “When survivors have lawyers, survivors have rights.” That’s the key message that staff attorney Sarah Bessell brought to India for a workshop coordinated by her center, the Institute of Social Studies in...

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He Escaped to Reclaim Hope

Every child has the right to grow up in a safe environment that provides opportunities for a decent future. It’s a fundamental value, self-determination. Unfortunately, thousands of children in Ghana are denied this basic principle of fairness. Instead, they are...

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Thankful That We All Value Freedom

As the new executive director at Free the Slaves, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the values that motivate me in the historic struggle to end slavery forever. They are values that drive all efforts to foster social justice. I am certain they are things that...

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