Thankful That We All Value Freedom

As the new executive director at Free the Slaves, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the values that motivate me in the historic struggle to end slavery forever. They are values that drive all efforts to foster social justice. I am certain they are things that you value too, because freedom and dignity and acceptance and self-determination are universal values. I grew up in a small […]
November 26, 2019

As the new executive director at Free the Slaves, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the values that motivate me in the historic struggle to end slavery forever. They are values that drive all efforts to foster social justice. I am certain they are things that you value too, because freedom and dignity and acceptance and self-determination are universal values.

I grew up in a small town in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where thousands of children were enslaved as soldiers at mines to generate money for warlords. I am thankful that my parents were able to send me away to university. When I returned home, I dedicated my life to serving others. I helped put a Congolese warlord in jail, I’ve helped women enslaved as maids in the Middle East, and now I am helping my colleagues at Free the Slaves to liberate entire communities from slavery around the world.

As Thanksgiving approaches, I am thankful for the opportunity to lead one of the best-known and most-effective anti-slavery organizations in the world. As the holiday season unfolds over the next few weeks, you will be hearing from our courageous front-line activists about the many ways in which their values change lives.

And of course, we value your support. It makes our work possible. Together, we will make history.


Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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