Double the Number of Slaves Living Free

A single piece of paper can change someone’s life. That’s why Free the Slaves provides vital legal support for people we liberate from bondage. This summer, you can double the number of survivors who receive official documentation to put slavery behind them and resume fulfilling lives in freedom. A generous foundation will match your gift […]
June 18, 2019

A single piece of paper can change someone’s life. That’s why Free the Slaves provides vital legal support for people we liberate from bondage. This summer, you can double the number of survivors who receive official documentation to put slavery behind them and resume fulfilling lives in freedom. A generous foundation will match your gift dollar-for-dollar up to $100,000 during our Doubling Down on Freedom Campaign.

Nag, (we are obscuring his face and using a pseudonym to prevent retaliation by traffickers), was enslaved in a brick factory in India to repay a minor debt. We helped him escape, file a complaint against the trafficker, and secure critical paperwork. Nag is holding his government-issued “bonded labor release certificate.” It’s a ticket to lifelong freedom because it entitled him to generous crime victim benefits that got him back on his feet financially. It cost $145 to help Nag navigate India’s bureaucracy. With our matching-gift campaign, if you donate $145 today (just $12 a month), we can help two more slavery survivors restart their lives.

I hope you’ll take action today. And thank you for ensuring that the people you help to break free, stay free.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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