
The Free the Slaves Blog provides a platform for dialogue about how slavery affects communities around the world—and what can be done to eliminate it.
Children Free from Slavery in Ghana

Children Free from Slavery in Ghana

Twenty victims of human trafficking finally got to taste freedom in the remote regions of Ghana. Free the Slaves, and our partners in Ghana removed them from modern slavery in the districts of Pru East, Sene East, Krachi West, and East Gonja, located in the country’s...

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Get Involved

New Video for Passover Zoom Seders

Unable to safely gather in person in large numbers, many of us will turn to Zoom and other digital platforms for Passover Seders. The Free the Slaves Passover Project has produced a unique video to help deepen the experience of this year’s online and hybrid...

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Celebrating Women of Free the Slaves

For more than 100 years, International Women's Day has put a spotlight onto issues affecting women around the world. Today, International Women's Day belongs to everyone who believes that women's rights are human rights. We Asked some of Free the Slaves’ leading...

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Our Work


FTS Announces New Board of Directors Chair

A new chair has been elected to lead the Free the Slaves board of directors. Professor Timothy Patrick McCarthy, Ph.D., is an award-winning scholar, educator, activist and public servant. He holds a joint faculty appointment at Harvard University, where he is Core...

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The Enslaved Need Your Help on #GivingTuesdayNow

Your generosity has changed lives around the world. The programs you support at Free the Slaves help people learn new skills and start microenterprises that build financial resiliency. Your contributions mean that slavery survivors are less likely to be re-enslaved,...

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She Goes Door-to-Door to Free Child Slaves

Jisika Jean Claude was only 10 when her father sent her away to live with another family. She thought she would go to school, but was forced instead to do chores, iron and wash clothes, and care for other children as a household servant. It was not the life she was...

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Double the Number of Slavery Resistant Villages

When people map how modern slavery plagues their villages in the Dominican Republic, it’s a real eye opener. The simple drawing becomes a road map for freedom. Everyone in bondage is identified, and residents pledge to liberate every last woman, man and child. It...

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