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UN Security Council Research

UN Security Council Research

On Tuesday, June 4th, Free the Slaves and the University of Nottingham Rights Lab launched their joint report, “Modern Slavery and the United Nations Security Council” at the Church Center for the United Nations in New York, New York. This exciting event began at 2 PM...

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Addressing Modern Slavery in Cambodia

Addressing Modern Slavery in Cambodia

Modern slavery in Cambodia is not just a statistic; it’s a human crisis that demands immediate and sustained action. In today’s world, the term ‘slavery’ often conjures images of a dark past. However, this grave violation of human rights persists in contemporary society under the guise of ‘modern slavery.’ This encompasses forced labor, human trafficking, forced marriage, and various forms of exploitation. Particularly concerning is the situation in Cambodia, a country grappling with these issues on multiple fronts.

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Children Free from Slavery in Ghana

Children Free from Slavery in Ghana

Twenty victims of human trafficking finally got to taste freedom in the remote regions of Ghana. Free the Slaves, and our partners in Ghana removed them from modern slavery in the districts of Pru East, Sene East, Krachi West, and East Gonja, located in the country’s...

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