by Terry FitzPatrick | Jul 9, 2015 | Nepal
First the good news: Free the Slaves and our front-line partners are back at work helping Nepalis resist and overcome trafficking and slavery. Two of our partner organizations have more than doubled in size thanks to emergency funding from international organizations...
by Free the Slaves | Mar 4, 2013 | Nepal
Nepali officials have begun their first-ever systematic investigation of sex slavery inside Kathmandu restaurants and dance bars. It’s raising hope that safety and freedom can be established for women who are secretly exploited and sexually harassed by owners...
by Free the Slaves | Aug 7, 2012 | Brazil, Haiti, Nepal
When it comes to fighting slavery, creativity and innovation are essential. So Free the Slaves and our frontline partners use art to teach community members around the world about their rights. We’ve found that picture strips are remarkably successful. The images...
by Free the Slaves | Jul 10, 2012 | Nepal
In Nepal, we call the news media a “third eye.” They play a vital role in development by minimizing the gap between the public and government. They alert the public by exposing hidden issues. If your group and your cause are covered by the media, there is stronger...