Research & Publications

Free the Slaves engages in research to inform and enhance our understanding of the communities affected by modern slavery and guide our intervention programs, advocacy efforts, and collaborative partnerships, ensuring effective and targeted actions that are based on accurate data and analyses.

Research is an integral component of Free the Slaves’ Theory of Change. Our Research Program aims to generate evidence that will:

Guide our Programming

Helping us to design and implement anti-slavery programs that are accurately informed, locally based, and properly targeted, and therefore more effective in addressing the realities of modern slavery that affect vulnerable individuals and communities in determined geographies

Sustain our Advocacy Efforts

This enables us to develop and launch advocacy campaigns that are built on accurate data and solid analyses, and therefore capable of directing attention toward critical issues and suggesting realistic solutions

Expand our Partnerships

With academic institutions doing research on modern slavery and with local non-governmental organizations working to end modern slavery in their geographies.

Enhance our Understanding

Understanding the communities and geographies where we work. This knowledge helps us to always be sensitive, responsible, respectful, and responsive, and to always be true to our guiding values and principles

Man standing at the top of a mine shaft getting ready to climb down - depiction of where FTS does research on modern slavery

Our Approach to Research

At Free the Slaves, we are committed to produce research that is:


Adopting a Participatory Action Research methodology, we empower slavery-affected communities and survivors of modern slavery to actively participate in the production of knowledge through a series of targeted approaches, trainings, and activities.


Throughout all the phases of our research (development, implementation, dissemination), we have the communities’ interests as our priority, the community’s rights as our compass, and the communities’ benefit as our objective. The same principles guide our research projects with survivors of modern slavery. We refrain from engaging in research projects that fail to account for how they can benefit communities and survivors.


We believe that the value of our research lies in its impact. Therefore, data collection and data analysis are always followed by the formulation of targeted and actionable recommendations. We also rely on the evidence generated through research to shape our programs accordingly.

Context Specific

We develop research projects that respond to the needs and realities of each specific context. While we recognize that modern slavery is a worldwide reality, we believe that its manifestations and its underlying causes are context-specific, and that they must be researched, understood, and addressed as such.


Working closely with vulnerable individuals and communities who put their trust in us, we are profoundly committed to producing ethical and responsible research. In this regard, we have developed a Research Ethical Protocol and an Ethical Assessment Form that guide all our research.


Partnerships have always been a pillar of Free the Slaves’ work, and the Research Program is no exception. Believing that research can benefit immensely from cooperative efforts, Free the Slaves welcomes research partnerships with academic institutions, research centers, civil society, and non-governmental organizations. In this regard, we especially value cooperative research projects in which the unique expertise of each partner is allowed to shape and influence the project design, implementation, and dissemination. At Free the Slaves, we see community engagement and community participation as the main strength of our Research Program, and we are looking forward to working with partners who can complement our strength with theoretical and conceptual expertise.

At the very minimum, we are pursuing partnerships with institutions and organizations that share our same commitment to participatory, community- centered, and impact-oriented research.

If you are interested in exploring the possibility of a research partnership with us, please send us an email to:

Research Agenda 2024-2025

The Research Agenda is a living document that Free the Slaves will update on a regular basis to reflect the progress of its ongoing and upcoming research projects.

Forced Labor & Labor Exploitation
Sex Trafficking & Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking and Child Trafficking
Child Labor and Worst Forms of Child Labor
Forced Marriage and Child Marriage
Survivor Engagement
Climate Change and Environmental Degradation
Indigenous People & Marginalized Groups
Migration and Displacement
Conflicts and Humanitarian Crises


Estimated Publication in 2024



Estimated Publication in 2025

East and Central Africa


Estimated Publish Date in 2024

Ethopia and Arab Gulf


Dissemination Throughout 2024



Dissemination Throughout 2024



Dissemination Throughout 2024 (Meet Us At ARAT2024)


Click the study title to learn more and get the download link.

Children & Modern Slavery

Ghana - Trafficking's Footprint: Two-Phase Baseline Studies of Child Trafficking in 34 Communities in 6 Districts in Ghana

Child trafficking is widespread in Ghana – for fishing, mining, farming, domestic servitude and prostitution. Researchers uncover the prevalence and drivers of child trafficking in this report, and identify promising interventions designed to liberate victims, support survivors, and prevent future enslavement.

Full report | Summary

Haiti - Haiti's Model Communities: Ending Restavek Child Domestic Servitude

Restavèk is a traditional system in which Haitian children are sent to live with other families and work as domestic servants. The expectation is for the host family to provide schooling, food, and shelter. Yet many children are abused and enslaved in their new homes. The Model Communities project is based on the premise that building community consensus against >restavèk is a strong strategy to prevent and reverse the flow of children into domestic servitude. 

Full Report: English |French

Executive Summary: English|French

Ghana - Child Rights in Mining: Pilot Project Results & Lessons Learned
Gold mining is one of Ghana’s major industries—gold exports are one of the country’s biggest sources of income. But at many mining sites, children are exploited as workers. The Child Rights in Mining pilot project addressed the lack of awareness and protection of child rights, which cause hazardous child labor practices and sexual violence against children. Using illustrated drawings based on the lives of local residents, the project educated parents on the rights of children and how to protect them.

Full Report

Executive Summary: English | French

India - Recovering Childhoods: Combating Child Trafficking in Northern India
This report investigates the problem of—and solutions to—child trafficking in northern India. We highlight some of the stark realities that underpin trafficking today, and some recommendations for bringing it to an end. We are clear that child trafficking is not an intractable problem, but it is one that deserves and requires focused and well-informed long-term strategies.  


Women & Modern Slavery

Congo - Wives in Slavery: Forced Marriage in the Congo

Every person has the right to freely choose his or her spouse. But for many women and girls in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, marriage is coerced and a form of slavery. This exposè examines the causes and impacts of forced marriage in the Congo through the stories of women and girls who have experienced it firsthand.

Full Report: English | French

Executive Summary: English | French

Climate Change – Environmental Degradation & Modern Slavery

Philippines: Human Trafficking and Climate Change: Understanding Intersections and Strengthening Responses in the Philippines

Human Trafficking and Climate Change: Understanding Intersections and Strengthening Responses in the Philippines contains findings from research by FTS and JPIC-IDC. The research examines the linkages between climate change, climate change-related hazards, and human trafficking in the regions of Eastern Visayas and Caraga (Eastern Philippines). The research finds that communities affected by climate change become exposed to the risk of exploitation by human traffickers. Exploitation can take different forms, but in Eastern Visayas and Caraga it is mostly labor trafficking and forced labor, child hazardous labor, sexual trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC), and online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC). Recognizing that natural hazards heighten the vulnerability of individuals and communities to exploitation by human traffickers, actions that address climate change-related vulnerabilities become a much-needed strategy to end the conditions that allow human trafficking to exist.

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Peru - Between Neglect and Exploitation: Four Case Studies in Indigenous Communities in the Peruvian Amazon

Between Neglect and Exploitation: Four Case Studies in Indigenous Communities of the Peruvian Amazon contains findings from research by FTS and ONOTZI, a Peruvian indigenous rights organization. The research examines the linkages between illegal extractivism, human trafficking risk, and environmental degredation in the Peruvian Amazon. The research points to the ways that human trafficking is driven by illegal mining and logging, and drug trafficking. Indigenous persons live in conditions that place them at a high risk of human trafficking. The research identifies diverse forms of modern slavery manifesting in communities. Adults work in conditions characteristic of forced labor and human trafficking for sexual and labor exploitation. Forced child marriages are normalized, and adolescents are also trafficked for labor and sexual exploitation. The report calls on the Peruvian state to implement a range of recommendations that address the root causes of human trafficking among indigenous communities and safeguards their human rights.

English Full Report
English Executive Summary
Informe completo en español
Resumen ejecutivo en español
Ashaninka Executive Summary
Ashaninka Full Report

Congo - Congo’s Mining Slaves: Enslavement at South Kivu Mining Sites

This Free the Slaves field investigation documents the types, nature, and scale of slavery at major mining sites in the South Kivu province. It also analyzes the factors that make Congolese workers vulnerable to enslavement and recommends solutions.

Full Report: English | French

Executive Summary: English | French

Ghana - Child Rights in Mining: Pilot Project Results & Lessons Learned

Gold mining is one of Ghana’s major industries—gold exports are one of the country’s biggest sources of income. But at many mining sites, children are exploited as workers. The Child Rights in Mining pilot project addressed the lack of awareness and protection of child rights, which cause hazardous child labor practices and sexual violence against children. Using illustrated drawings based on the lives of local residents, the project educated parents on the rights of children and how to protect them.

Full Report

Executive Summary: English | French

Nepal - Understanding Vulnerabilities and Strengthening Responses

Nepal’s 2015 earthquake killed thousands, left large parts of the country in ruins, and sparked a sharp rise in human trafficking. This action-research project documented the post-earthquake experience in Nepal, and provided essential action-step recommendations to ensure that desperate and vulnerable people aren’t enslaved in the aftermath of natural disasters around the globe.

Full Report 

Informal Economies & Modern Slavery

Peru - Between Neglect and Exploitation: Four Case Studies in Indigenous Communities in the Peruvian Amazon

Between Neglect and Exploitation: Four Case Studies in Indigenous Communities of the Peruvian Amazon contains findings from research by FTS and ONOTZI, a Peruvian indigenous rights organization. The research examines the linkages between illegal extractivism, human trafficking risk, and climate change in the Peruvian Amazon. The research points to the ways that human trafficking is driven by illegal mining and logging, and drug trafficking. Indigenous persons live in conditions that place them at a high risk of human trafficking. The research identifies diverse forms of modern slavery manifesting in communities. Adults work in conditions characteristic of forced labor and human trafficking for sexual and labor exploitation. Forced child marriages are normalized, and adolescents are also trafficked for labor and sexual exploitation. The report calls on the Peruvian state to implement a range of recommendations that address the root causes of human trafficking among indigenous communities and safeguards their human rights.

English Full Report
English Executive Summary
Informe completo en español
Resumen ejecutivo en español
Ashaninka Executive Summary
Ashaninka Full Report

Congo - Congo’s Mining Slaves: Enslavement at South Kivu Mining Sites

This Free the Slaves field investigation documents the types, nature, and scale of slavery at major mining sites in the South Kivu province. It also analyzes the factors that make Congolese workers vulnerable to enslavement and recommends solutions. 

Full Report: English | French 

Executive Summary: English | French

Survivor Engagement

Survivors and Organizations Working Together Against Human Trafficking: Insights from East and Central Africa

People who have been directly affected by a certain issue are the ones who best know its root causes, consequences, implications, and dynamics. In virtue of their unique knowledge through lived experience, survivors should be at the heart of approaches to combat human trafficking. However, engaging survivors is a practice that still suffers from a series of major limitations.

Building on these considerations, this research aims to provide organizations in the anti-trafficking space with recommendations on practices of inclusive survivor engagement that may be standardized through an organization’s policy. To do so, it explores the survivor engagement practices of key counter-trafficking organizations and investigates the survivors’ own assessment of their participation in the anti-trafficking movement. Believing that discussions on survivor engagement need to be context-based, this research focuses specifically on Eastern and Central Africa – a region that is a source, route of transit, and destination for trafficked men, women, and children.

Using a mixed method approach, in this research, we referred to the analysis of secondary sources, interviews with 18 survivors from Cameroon, DRC, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, and South Sudan, online survey for organizations in East and Central Africa, validation workshop with survivors who participated in the research.

From a methodological perspective, a distinctive contribution of this research was the active, multifaceted, and continuous participation of people with lived experience. On the one hand, survivors contributed as researchers. They underwent training in qualitative research skills and participated in conducting the interviews, analyzing the data, identifying key findings, and developing recommendations. On the other hand, survivors contributed as respondents,
sharing their insights and perceptions regarding survivor engagement practices.

Building on the data collected over the course of several months, the research offers a series of recommendations to anti-trafficking organizations in East and Central Africa aimed at enhancing and deepening their approach to, and practices of, survivor engagement. While doing so, attention is given to organizational culture, survivor networks, finances and employment, capacity building, and security.

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Indigenous Communities & Modern Slavery

Peru - Between Neglect and Exploitation: Four Case Studies in Indigenous Communities in the Peruvian Amazon

Between Neglect and Exploitation: Four Case Studies in Indigenous Communities of the Peruvian Amazon contains findings from research by FTS and ONOTZI, a Peruvian indigenous rights organization. The research examines the linkages between illegal extractivism, human trafficking risk, and climate change in the Peruvian Amazon. The research points to the ways that human trafficking is driven by illegal mining and logging, and drug trafficking. Indigenous persons live in conditions that place them at a high risk of human trafficking. The research identifies diverse forms of modern slavery manifesting in communities. Adults work in conditions characteristic of forced labor and human trafficking for sexual and labor exploitation. Forced child marriages are normalized, and adolescents are also trafficked for labor and sexual exploitation. The report calls on the Peruvian state to implement a range of recommendations that address the root causes of human trafficking among indigenous communities and safeguards their human rights.

English Full Report
English Executive Summary
Informe completo en español
Resumen ejecutivo en español
Ashaninka Executive Summary
Ashaninka Full Report

United Nations, Civil Society & Modern Slavery

Modern slavery and the United Nations Security Council

This report co-authored by the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham and Free the Slaves presents the findings of a study on modern slavery as a security concern within the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The report examines the intersections between modern slavery and key agendas of the UNSC to support improved efforts to combat modern slavery in security contexts through advocacy, policies, and operations. The analysis reviews the existing interests of the UNSC in addressing modern slavery in conflict in its key global agendas – Women, Peace and Security, Children and Armed Conflict, and Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict. The study also provides a review of UNSC documents adopted or issued from 1990 to 2022, analysing the extent to which the UNSC has addressed slavery and related practices in carrying out its mandate. Crucially, the study identifies the current dynamics and opportunities for antislavery advocacy at the level of the UNSC, entry and leverage points, barriers and challenges, and other factors relevant to advancing antislavery in the global security agenda. 

Download the Briefing Document 

Download the Summary Report

SE Asia - Learning From NGO's Approaches to Modern Slavery

FTS’ recent report “Learning from NGOs’ Approaches to Modern Slavery in Southeast Asia” highlights findings learning from 64 surveys with representatives of organizations addressing modern slavery in Southeast Asia. Read more below to understand how organizations are defining modern slavery, the approaches that are being adopted, and the activities implemented to address severe exploitation. The report also highlights some of the existing gaps affecting the response and provides recommendations for improved multi-stakeholder action against modern slavery.

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Operationalizing the Movement Behind SDG 8.7
Civil society plays a critical role in raising awareness, advocating with governments to take robust action and developing new interventions to disrupt slavery and aid its survivors. This study, co-authored by Deloitte and Free the Slaves, explores the goals, norms and policy priorities for civil society coalitions within the anti-slavery movement. 

Full Report

MENA - Modern Slavery in the Middle East & North Africa
As part of its regional strategy to eradicate modern slavery in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), FTS launched a small-scale research study to better understand the anti-modern slavery landscape in the region. The findings will provide organizations like FTS with an indication of the current state of knowledge and approaches of civil society organizations regarding modern slavery. These can in turn inform programmatic strategies in the region and ensure that anti-modern slavery ventures correspond with current approaches while addressing existing gaps, furthering capacities to address the issue, and driving the anti-modern slavery movement at the regional level. 


Covid-19 – Health Emergencies & Modern Slavery

Senegal and Kenya - Building Resilience Against Exploitation in Senegal and Kenya in the Context of Covid-19

This study highlights how systemic factors that contribute to resilience against exploitation are being impacted by Covid-19 in urban centers within Senegal and Kenya. The research provides evidence toward effective targeting, adaptation and implementation of anti-slavery interventions in the wake of Covid-19. It offers suggestions on how to limit negative impacts arising from the pandemic and where to direct policy, practice and funding attention for ongoing benefit. Research conducted and published in 2021 in partnership with the University of Nottingham Rights Lab.

Summary English
Kenya Report English
Senegal Report EnglishFrench
Comparative Report EnglishFrench

Survivors and Organizations Working Together Against Human Trafficking: Insights from East and Central Africa

People who have been directly affected by a certain issue are the ones who best know its root causes, consequences, implications, and dynamics. In virtue of their unique knowledge through lived experience, survivors should be at the heart of approaches to combat human trafficking. However, engaging survivors is a practice that still suffers from a series of major limitations.

Building on these considerations, this research aims to provide organizations in the anti-trafficking space with recommendations on practices of inclusive survivor engagement that may be standardized through an organization’s policy. To do so, it explores the survivor engagement practices of key counter-trafficking organizations and investigates the survivors’ own assessment of their participation in the anti-trafficking movement. Believing that discussions on survivor engagement need to be context-based, this research focuses specifically on Eastern and Central Africa – a region that is a source, route of transit, and destination for trafficked men, women, and children.

Using a mixed method approach, in this research, we referred to the analysis of secondary sources, interviews with 18 survivors from Cameroon, DRC, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, and South Sudan, online survey for organizations in East and Central Africa, validation workshop with survivors who participated in the research.

From a methodological perspective, a distinctive contribution of this research was the active, multifaceted, and continuous participation of people with lived experience. On the one hand, survivors contributed as researchers. They underwent training in qualitative research skills and participated in conducting the interviews, analyzing the data, identifying key findings, and developing recommendations. On the other hand, survivors contributed as respondents,
sharing their insights and perceptions regarding survivor engagement practices.

Building on the data collected over the course of several months, the research offers a series of recommendations to anti-trafficking organizations in East and Central Africa aimed at enhancing and deepening their approach to, and practices of, survivor engagement. While doing so, attention is given to organizational culture, survivor networks, finances and employment, capacity building, and security.

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Executive Research

From Illegal Migration to Human Trafficking: Dangerous Journeys Across the Horn of Africa and The Arabian Peninsula

The journey from the Horn of Africa through Yemen to the Arab Gulf accounts for 40% of all migratory movements worldwide and has seen a constant increase over the past few years. In 2023, with 86,630 people migrated to Yemen from the beginning of January to the end of July.

East African migrants seek to reach the Arabian Peninsula due to:

  • poverty
  • climate change
  • food and water isecurity
  • conflict
  • ethnically motivated violence

Many of those migratory flows between the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula are illegal in character, taking place beyond the routes and mechanisms allowed by countries of destination and countries of origin. The reasons why many migrants have been choosing irregular channels of migration are mainly connected to the limited options for regular migration as well as the administrative challenges associated with those few options.

Illegal migrants from the Horn of Africa typically rely on smugglers to make their journey towards the Arabian Peninsula. As they do so, they become particularly vulnerable to human trafficking. Significantly, exposure to the risk of trafficking is observed at three distinct moments along the journey – when transiting through Djibouti and Somalia before crossing the Gulf of Aden, when transiting through Yemen upon disembarking in the Arabian Peninsula, when arriving in the rich Gulf monarchies, especially Saudi Arabia.

The forms of trafficking most commonly observed along the Eastern Route include:

  • sex trafficking & commercial sexual exploitation
  • forced labor and hazardous forced labor (e.g., in construction)
  • domestic servitude
  • debt bondage
  • worst forms of child labor, including forced street begging and sexual exploitation
  • forced criminality

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Cote d' Ivore– Forced Labor and Child Labor in Cote d' Ivore's Cocoa Sector

While the the sweet taste and the pleasant smell of chocolate please consumers around the world, the production of cocoa beans hides a bitter reality. The process, in fact, is particularly vulnerable to the exploitation of adults and children into human trafficking, forced labour, and child labor.

This reality is particularly evident in Côte d’Ivoire, the world’s largest exporter of cocoa. Here, the phenomenon of forced labor seems to be especially prevalent in the case of migrant workers coming from non-cocoa producing areas of Côte d’Ivoire’s northern regions or from Burkina Faso and Mali. On the farms, work agreements (when present) are nearly exclusively verbal, identity documents are withheld to prevent movement, and the pay is extremely low. Workers who find employment on Ivorian cocoa farms through third-party intermediaries may also incur debt related to their recruitment and transportation, which they must then work off.  

Besides adults, forced labor on cocoa farms is also reported among children. Here, child trafficking is the most common pattern by which children find themselves insituations of exploitation. Traffickers operating in regional countries such as Nigeria, Mali, Benin, Togo, and Burkina Faso pose as job recruiters. Many Burkinabe cocoa farmers settled in Côte d’Ivoire also look for child laborers in their home country, approaching their communities of origin to recruit children and bring them to Cote d’Ivoire under false promises. Besides, instances of child trafficking for forced labor exploitation in agriculture are also reported within Côte d’Ivoire, especially in the case of children of the Boulé, Senoufo, and Lobi ethnic groups. Once they are brought or sold to the cocoa farms, children are unpaid or paid in kind, are provided with little food and poor sleeping arrangements, and are forced to work long hours. Farm owners also use psychological terror and physical violence to keep the children in a situation of subjugation.

Much more ubiquitous than forced labor, however, is child labor within a child own’s family. As Côte d’Ivoire is dominated by a rural economy based on familial agriculture where production is largely constructed on household performance, the labor of children is regarded as necessary to a household’s economic survival. In Côte d’Ivoire, moreover, child labor on cocoa farms not only takes place within a child’s own nuclear family. It also takes places under the systems of apprentisage, whereby children go to live with extended family members and participate in the cocoa sector as “apprentices” to learn some skills, and under the system of confiage, whereby children live with extended family because the latter has more resources to care for the child, who in turn will contribute to the family’s economic activities.

While not all instances of child work in cocoa production amount to child labor, in most cases they do, since working on cocoa farms harms a child’s health and development, interferes with education, and exposes children to multiple hazards throughout all stages of the cocoa production process. For instance, children use chainsaws to clear the land, climb the cocoa trees to cut bean pods using machetes, are exposed to agricultural chemicals, and carry very heavy loads.

As we are approaching the 2025 deadline defined under the latest revision of the Harkin-Engel Protocol, as well as the 2030 deadline established in the framework of the SDGs, it seems that to reach the goal of ending forced labor and child labor in cocoa-growing areas in Côte d’Ivoire, clear committments and resolute actions are required by all actors involved: the companies that supply cocoa from Côte d’Ivoire, the countries where those companies are registered, the Ivorian government, civil society organizations, investors in cocoa companies, and consumers.

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Cameroon – Forced Labor and Child Labor in Cameroon's Cocoa Sector

While the sweet taste and the pleasant smell of chocolate please consumers around the world, the production of cocoa beans hides a bitter reality. The process, in fact, is particularly vulnerable to the exploitation of adults and children into human trafficking, forced labour, and child labor.

This reality is particularly evident in Cameroon, the fourth-largest cocoa-producing country in the world. Here, instances of forced labor have been identified among internal migrant workers who come from the remote North and East of Cameroon or from the areas of conflict in the Southwest and Northwest regions. Instances of forced labor on Cameroon’s cocoa farms are also reported among undocumented foreign migrant workers – mainly from Nigeria – who are recruited by informal labor contractors. Migrant workers on Cameroon’s cocoa farms have no written contract and have no power to negotiate terms, conditions, and compensation. Unprotected by the law due to their illegal status and afraid of deportation, they work under forced labor conditions and in hazardous circumstances, such as exposure to chemicals with no personal protective equipment. Other cases of forced labor are reported among prisoners, who are forcibly brought to the cocoa plantations through agreements reached between the cocoa farmer, the prison manager, and the legal prosecutor. 

Besides adults, forced labor on cocoa farms is also reported among children. Traffickers operating in regional countries such as Nigeria, Mali, Benin, Togo, and Burkina Faso pose as job recruiters, attract children through fake promises, and sell them to cocoa farm owners in Cameroon’s cocoa-producing regions. Once on those cocoa farms, children are starved, forced to work long hours every day, whipped or beaten for working slowly or for trying to escape, and locked up at night.

Much more ubiquitous than forced labor, however, is child labor within a child own’s family. As Cameroon is dominated by a rural economy based on familial agriculture where production is largely constructed on household performance, the labor of children is regarded as necessary to a household’s economic survival. While not all instances of child work in cocoa production amount to child labor, in most cases they do, since working on cocoa farms harms a child’s health and development, interferes with education, and exposes children to multiple hazards throughout all stages of the cocoa production process. For instance, children use chainsaws to clear the land, climb the cocoa trees to cut bean pods using machetes, are exposed to agricultural chemicals, and carry very heavy loads.

As we are approaching the 2025 deadline defined under the latest revision of the Harkin-Engel Protocol, as well as the 2030 deadline established in the framework of the SDGs, it seems that to reach the goal of ending forced labor and child labor in cocoa-growing areas in Cameroon, clear commitments and resolute actions are required by all actors involved: the companies that supply cocoa from Cameroon, the countries where those companies are registered, the Cameroonian government, civil society organizations, investors in cocoa companies, and consumers.

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Forced Labor in Supply Chains: The Case of Canada

Over the past few decades, supply chains have become increasingly long and complex. On the one hand, this phenomenon has driven economic growth, created jobs, and provided people with access to goods and services that have improved their quality of life. On the other hand, it has contributed to environmental degradation, social inequality, unsustainable patterns of consumption, and forced labor, including forced child labor.

The significance of the phenomenon of forced labor in global supply chains is well captured by the most recent statistics, according to which nearly two-thirds of all forced labor cases (i.e., a total of 17.3 million adults and children) are linked to global supply chains, with workers exploited across a wide range of sectors and at every stage of the supply chain. Most forced labor occurs in the lowest tiers of supply chains where raw imports are mined, farmed, fished, and processed. That said, no tier is immune to the risk of forced labor. At high risk of forced labor are especially those industries characterized by seasonal work, low wages, low entry-level qualifications, and use of informal labour, such as agriculture, mining, and construction. However, the risk of trafficked and exploited laboor exists in the service industry as well.

Recognizing that the absence of adequate regulatory frameworks in most developed countries results in a legislative gap that is conducive to unethical, unaware, and irresponsible business practices, this research focuses on the specific case of Canada. In fact, while certain steps have been taken that have contributed to somewhat reducing the gap between Canadian legislation and legislations in G20 countries with respect to modern slavery in supply chains, Canada is still falling behind. To better protect and promote respect for human rights by Canadian companies throughout their operations and supply chains, a whole-of-society approach is needed. This should include the government, Canadian multi-national corporations, investors in Canada, civil society, and Canadian consumers.

Finally, Bryon, I noted that in the research agenda table, in the column of “East and Central Africa”, we should color the box “human trafficking and child trafficking” rather than “sex trafficking and sexual exploitation”.

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Child Labor in the Streets of Gabon

Within Africa, Gabon is the 7th country for the prevalence of modern slavery. The exploitation of children is especially widespread. Girls are typically exploited in domestic servitude, forced labor in markets and roadside restaurants, and commercial sex. Boys are forced to work in street vending, mechanics, fishing, and illegal activities.

In this research, we focus specifically on child labor on the streets of Gabon – a space where the exploitation of children occurs in plain sight and yet has remained overlooked in existing studies.

In the streets of Gabon, child labor takes the form of street vending, whereby children sell goods and services in the cities’ markets or on busy roads; forced labor, including hazardous labor, with children exploited in Gabon’s street markets to carry heavy loads or clean the market; street begging, which sees children begging in front of stores, pharmacies, markets, and mosques or at traffic lights; scavenging, whereby children collect copper or aluminum items buried under the garbage to resell their parts; and commercial sexual exploitation of girls, who are forced to sell themselves as prostitutes in roadside bars and street corners.

Significantly, these and other forms of child labor exploitation intersect. For instance, girls forced to sell goods at street corners during the day might also be exploited in domestic work at night, whereby they are forced to engage in domestic chores such as cooking and cleaning in the houses of their traffickers. Other forms of abuse, such as beating, food deprivation, denial of proper clothing, and healthcare deprivation, are also widely reported among children who work in Gabon’s streets.

To counter the widespread reality of child labor in Gabon’s streets, we offer a series of recommendations that include greater investment in social protection, education, and birth registration as well as greater commitments to counter child trafficking through prevention, protection, and prosecution.

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East and Central Africa

Survivors and Organizations Working Together Against Human Trafficking: Insights from East and Central Africa

People who have been directly affected by a certain issue are the ones who best know its root causes, consequences, implications, and dynamics. In virtue of their unique knowledge through lived experience, survivors should be at the heart of approaches to combat human trafficking. However, engaging survivors is a practice that still suffers from a series of major limitations.

Building on these considerations, this research aims to provide organizations in the anti-trafficking space with recommendations on practices of inclusive survivor engagement that may be standardized through an organization’s policy. To do so, it explores the survivor engagement practices of key counter-trafficking organizations and investigates the survivors’ own assessment of their participation in the anti-trafficking movement. Believing that discussions on survivor engagement need to be context-based, this research focuses specifically on Eastern and Central Africa – a region that is a source, route of transit, and destination for trafficked men, women, and children.

Using a mixed method approach, in this research, we referred to the analysis of secondary sources, interviews with 18 survivors from Cameroon, DRC, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, and South Sudan, online survey for organizations in East and Central Africa, validation workshop with survivors who participated in the research.

From a methodological perspective, a distinctive contribution of this research was the active, multifaceted, and continuous participation of people with lived experience. On the one hand, survivors contributed as researchers. They underwent training in qualitative research skills and participated in conducting the interviews, analyzing the data, identifying key findings, and developing recommendations. On the other hand, survivors contributed as respondents,
sharing their insights and perceptions regarding survivor engagement practices.

Building on the data collected over the course of several months, the research offers a series of recommendations to anti-trafficking organizations in East and Central Africa aimed at enhancing and deepening their approach to, and practices of, survivor engagement. While doing so, attention is given to organizational culture, survivor networks, finances and employment, capacity building, and security.

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Congo - Congo’s Mining Slaves: Enslavement at South Kivu Mining Sites

This Free the Slaves field investigation documents the types, nature, and scale of slavery at major mining sites in the South Kivu province. It also analyzes the factors that make Congolese workers vulnerable to enslavement and recommends solutions. 

Full Report: English | French

Executive Summary: English | French

Congo - Wives in Slavery: Forced Marriage in the Congo

Every person has the right to freely choose his or her spouse. But for many women and girls in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, marriage is coerced and a form of slavery. This exposè examines the causes and impacts of forced marriage in the Congo through the stories of women and girls who have experienced it firsthand. 

Full Report: English | French

Executive Summary: English | French

West Africa

Ghana - Child Rights in Mining: Pilot Project Results & Lessons Learned

Gold mining is one of Ghana’s major industries—gold exports are one of the country’s biggest sources of income. But at many mining sites, children are exploited as workers. The Child Rights in Mining pilot project addressed the lack of awareness and protection of child rights, which cause hazardous child labor practices and sexual violence against children. Using illustrated drawings based on the lives of local residents, the project educated parents on the rights of children and how to protect them. 

Full Report 

Executive Summary: English | French

Ghana - Trafficking's Footprint: Two-Phase Baseline Studies of Child Trafficking in 34 Communities in 6 Districts in Ghana
Child trafficking is widespread in Ghana – for fishing, mining, farming, domestic servitude and prostitution. Researchers uncover the prevalence and drivers of child trafficking in this report, and identify promising interventions designed to liberate victims, support survivors, and prevent future enslavement. 

Full report | Summary

Senegal and Kenya - Building Resilience Against Exploitation in Senegal and Kenya in the Context of Covid-19

This study highlights how systemic factors that contribute to resilience against exploitation are being impacted by Covid-19 in urban centers within Senegal and Kenya. The research provides evidence toward effective targeting, adaptation and implementation of anti-slavery interventions in the wake of Covid-19. It offers suggestions on how to limit negative impacts arising from the pandemic and where to direct policy, practice and funding attention for ongoing benefit. Research conducted and published in 2021 in partnership with the University of Nottingham Rights Lab.

Summary English
Kenya Report English
Senegal Report EnglishFrench
Comparative Report EnglishFrench

South Asia

India - Recovering Childhoods: Combating Child Trafficking in Northern India
This report investigates the problem of—and solutions to—child trafficking in northern India. We highlight some of the stark realities that underpin trafficking today, and some recommendations for bringing it to an end. We are clear that child trafficking is not an intractable problem, but it is one that deserves and requires focused and well-informed long-term strategies.


Nepal - Understanding Vulnerabilities & Strengthening Response

Nepal’s 2015 earthquake killed thousands, left large parts of the country in ruins, and sparked a sharp rise in human trafficking. This action-research project documented the post-earthquake experience in Nepal, and provided essential action-step recommendations to ensure that desperate and vulnerable people aren’t enslaved in the aftermath of natural disasters around the globe. 

Full Report

Southeast Asia

Philippines: Human Trafficking and Climate Change: Understanding Intersections and Strengthening Responses in the Philippines

Human Trafficking and Climate Change: Understanding Intersections and Strengthening Responses in the Philippines contains findings from research by FTS and JPIC-IDC. The research examines the linkages between climate change, climate change-related hazards, and human trafficking in the regions of Eastern Visayas and Caraga (Eastern Philippines). The research finds that communities affected by climate change become exposed to the risk of exploitation by human traffickers. Exploitation can take different forms, but in Eastern Visayas and Caraga it is mostly labor trafficking and forced labor, child hazardous labor, sexual trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC), and online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC). Recognizing that natural hazards heighten the vulnerability of individuals and communities to exploitation by human traffickers, actions that address climate change-related vulnerabilities become a much-needed strategy to end the conditions that allow human trafficking to exist.

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SE Asia - Learning From NGO's Approaches to Modern Slavery in South-East Asia

FTS’ recent report “Learning from NGOs’ Approaches to Modern Slavery in Southeast Asia” highlights findings learning from 64 surveys with representatives of organizations addressing modern slavery in Southeast Asia. Read more below to understand how organizations are defining modern slavery, the approaches that are being adopted, and the activities implemented to address severe exploitation. The report also highlights some of the existing gaps affecting the response and provides recommendations for improved multi-stakeholder action against modern slavery.

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Latin America & Caribbean

Haiti - Haiti's Moden Communities: Ending Restavek Child Domestic Servitude
Restavèkis a traditional system in which Haitian children are sent to live with other families and work as domestic servants. The expectation is for the host family to provide schooling, food, and shelter. Yet many children are abused and enslaved in their new homes. The Model Communities project is based on the premise that building community consensus against restavèk is a strong strategy to prevent and reverse the flow of children into domestic servitude. 

Full Report: English | French 

Executive Summary: English | French

Peru - Between Neglect and Exploitation: Four Case Studies in Indigenous Communities in the Peruvian Amazon

Between Neglect and Exploitation: Four Case Studies in Indigenous Communities of the Peruvian Amazon contains findings from research by FTS and ONOTZI, a Peruvian indigenous rights organization. The research examines the linkages between illegal extractivism, human trafficking risk, and climate change in the Peruvian Amazon. The research points to the ways that human trafficking is driven by illegal mining and logging, and drug trafficking. Indigenous persons live in conditions that place them at a high risk of human trafficking. The research identifies diverse forms of modern slavery manifesting in communities. Adults work in conditions characteristic of forced labor and human trafficking for sexual and labor exploitation. Forced child marriages are normalized, and adolescents are also trafficked for labor and sexual exploitation. The report calls on the Peruvian state to implement a range of recommendations that address the root causes of human trafficking among indigenous communities and safeguards their human rights.

English Full Report
English Executive Summary
Informe completo en español
Resumen ejecutivo en español
Ashaninka Executive Summary
Ashaninka Full Report


From Illegal Migration to Human Trafficking: Dangerous Journeys Across the Horn of Africa and The Arabian Peninsula

The journey from the Horn of Africa through Yemen to the Arab Gulf accounts for 40% of all migratory movements worldwide and has seen a constant increase over the past few years. In 2023, with 86,630 people migrated to Yemen from the beginning of January to the end of July.

East African migrants seek to reach the Arabian Peninsula due to:

  • poverty
  • climate change
  • food and water isecurity
  • conflict
  • ethnically motivated violence

Many of those migratory flows between the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula are illegal in character, taking place beyond the routes and mechanisms allowed by countries of destination and countries of origin. The reasons why many migrants have been choosing irregular channels of migration are mainly connected to the limited options for regular migration as well as the administrative challenges associated with those few options.

Illegal migrants from the Horn of Africa typically rely on smugglers to make their journey towards the Arabian Peninsula. As they do so, they become particularly vulnerable to human trafficking. Significantly, exposure to the risk of trafficking is observed at three distinct moments along the journey – when transiting through Djibouti and Somalia before crossing the Gulf of Aden, when transiting through Yemen upon disembarking in the Arabian Peninsula, when arriving in the rich Gulf monarchies, especially Saudi Arabia.

The forms of trafficking most commonly observed along the Eastern Route include:

  • sex trafficking & commercial sexual exploitation
  • forced labor and hazardous forced labor (e.g., in construction)
  • domestic servitude
  • debt bondage
  • worst forms of child labor, including forced street begging and sexual exploitation
  • forced criminality

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MENA - Modern Slavery in the Middle East & North Africa
As part of its regional strategy to eradicate modern slavery in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), FTS launched a small-scale research study to better understand the anti-modern slavery landscape in the region. The findings will provide organizations like FTS with an indication of the current state of knowledge and approaches of civil society organizations regarding  modern slavery. These can in turn inform programmatic strategies in the region and ensure that anti-modern slavery ventures correspond with current approaches while addressing existing gaps, furthering capacities to address the issue, and driving the anti-modern slavery movement at the regional level. 


Free the Slaves stands as a beacon of rigorous, ethical, and community-centered research in the fight against modern slavery. Our multifaceted Research Program is designed to inform not just our actions but also our advocacy and partnerships. By adopting a participatory approach that respects the unique conditions and challenges of each community, we generate actionable insights to combat slavery more effectively.

Additional Resources

International Anti-Trafficking and Anti-Modern Slavery Policy Resources

Click for PDF

United Nations – Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime Nations

Click for PDF

United Nations – Abolishing Slavery and its Contemporary Forms

Click for PDF

ILO – Anti-Trafficking Laws, Policies, and Practices

Click for PDF

African Union – Draft Ten Year Action Plan on Eradication of Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery in Africa (2020-2030)

Click for PDF

European Union – Directive on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and Protecting its Victims

United States Anti-Trafficking and Anti-Modern Slavery Policy Resources

Click for PDF

US Justice Department – National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking

Click for PDF

United States of America – National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking

Click for PDF

United States of America – Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000

Notes From the Field

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