by Free the Slaves | Sep 12, 2017 | Become an Abolitionist, Congo, Haiti, I Am the Change, Take Action
The fight against slavery cannot be won by one group working alone. It takes many organizations, governments and communities acting in unison to free the enslaved and protect the vulnerable. The work of Free the Slaves is only possible because of your help! That’s why...
by Free the Slaves | Mar 30, 2015 | Advocacy, Haiti, Thought Leadership
A slavery survivor from Haiti shared a grisly account of her childhood in restavèk domestic servitude: “I was born on the street in front of a brothel. Prostitutes brought my mother a towel, so she could swaddle me. My father’s mistress was beautiful, and she, too,...
by Terry FitzPatrick | Oct 20, 2014 | FTS Updates, Ghana, Haiti, Research, Monitoring & Evaluation
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is working to integrate anti-trafficking efforts into America’s development projects around the globe. That’s because modern-day slavery can reduce the success of international development efforts. USAID officials...