by Terry FitzPatrick | Nov 15, 2013 | FTS Updates
FTS Associate Programs Director Ginny Baumann has never been one for the limelight. But she has always deserved it. She helped create Free the Slaves back in 2000 – a true co-founder. And over the past 13 years, Ginny has been the principal architect of the Free the...
by Maurice Middleberg | May 15, 2013 | FTS Updates, India, Take Action
I’m writing to tell you about an extraordinary man and his remarkable legal clinic in India. The man is Roshan Lal. He was raised in a family of slaves. Now he is free and helping those still in slavery. Roshan’s clinic is a testament to his courage and dedication....
by Free the Slaves | Jan 10, 2013 | India
Imagine being beaten and denied the right to govern your own life. Imagine being deprived of basic necessities. Little food, water, shelter or money — and no education. That’s the reality of modern-day slavery. But for 25 families in the village of Titrahi in...
by Free the Slaves | Oct 25, 2012 | India
Its arrival causes quite a stir. It’s just a simple van. But when it stops in remote hamlets, singers pop out, signs go up, and villagers learn that their lives can be better. It’s called the “Anti-Slavery Chariot.” It tours communities where slavery is rampant. And...
by Free the Slaves | Mar 2, 2012 | FTS Updates, India
Editor’s note: This is the fifth and final post from guest blogger Carol Metzker. Carol is a longtime supporter of Free the Slaves. She recently visited our frontline work in India. In this series of articles, she writes about the Punarnawa ashram, a shelter for...