by Terry FitzPatrick | Nov 15, 2013 | FTS Updates
FTS Associate Programs Director Ginny Baumann has never been one for the limelight. But she has always deserved it. She helped create Free the Slaves back in 2000 – a true co-founder. And over the past 13 years, Ginny has been the principal architect of the Free the...
by Terry FitzPatrick | Apr 25, 2013 | FTS Updates, Take Action
One of our goals at FTS is to “mainstream” anti-slavery work. That means getting field workers for charities and development institutions, such as USAID and the United Nations, to recognize slavery when they see it, and take appropriate action.A recent article by FTS...
by Free the Slaves | Mar 4, 2013 | Nepal
Nepali officials have begun their first-ever systematic investigation of sex slavery inside Kathmandu restaurants and dance bars. It’s raising hope that safety and freedom can be established for women who are secretly exploited and sexually harassed by owners...
by Free the Slaves | Oct 25, 2012 | India
Its arrival causes quite a stir. It’s just a simple van. But when it stops in remote hamlets, singers pop out, signs go up, and villagers learn that their lives can be better. It’s called the “Anti-Slavery Chariot.” It tours communities where slavery is rampant. And...
by Free the Slaves | Aug 7, 2012 | Brazil, Haiti, Nepal
When it comes to fighting slavery, creativity and innovation are essential. So Free the Slaves and our frontline partners use art to teach community members around the world about their rights. We’ve found that picture strips are remarkably successful. The images...