50 million people are enslaved today. You can help us free them and end the conditions that allow modern slavery to exist.

Modern slavery is a result of social, cultural, and political conditions that make people vulnerable. Poverty, war and conflict, migration, lack of access to basic human rights, and many other related factors create conditions where the powerful have the opportunity to oppress and exploit the weak.

To end slavery, those most vulnerable to slavery must have the knowledge and resources they need to protect themselves and their communities.

To end modern slavery and the conditions that make people vulnerable we are:

Movement Building

We champion unified anti-slavery efforts. Our Freedom from Slavery Forum bolsters collaboration, while our survivor networks amplify the voices of people with lived experiences, ensuring impactful strategies and optimized resources. Together, we strengthen the fight against modern slavery.

Influencing Policymakers and Advocating for Change

We aim to reshape policies that enable slavery by urging governments and power structures to enact systemic changes and robust enforcement. Through our pivotal role in Alliance 8.7 and strategic collaborations with partners, we drive legal reforms from the international stage to local communities. Our efforts make it increasingly difficult for traffickers to operate.

Engaging Local Communities

We mobilize and empower at-risk communities through targeted training and connections to resources, fostering grassroots resistance against slavery. Our community-centric approach amplifies human and labor rights, thereby creating resilience against exploitation.

Continuous Learning

In response to the evolving challenges of modern slavery, Free the Slaves conducts in-depth research to guide the movement. Our analysis integrates both survivor experiences and academic methodologies, allowing us to continually refine and update our anti-slavery initiatives.

This Week at FTS

Free the Slaves’ Active Engagement in Key Regional Events In Asia

In July and August 2024, Free the Slaves participated in regional anti-slavery discussions in Asia, participating in key events focused on combating human trafficking and child exploitation. These events focused around collaboration and knowledge-sharing, addressing modern slavery in some of the most vulnerable regions of the world.

Training Transforms Survivors into Leaders in the Movement Against Modern Slavery

Survivors are now stepping into leadership positions, forming networks, and establishing organizations to lead the movement against trafficking and modern slavery. Both international and national organizations are playing a vital role in supporting these survivor networks through capacity-building and awareness-generation activities.

Advancing Survivor Leadership in the Fight Against Modern Slavery

Our approach to survivor engagement is rooted in collaboration, demonstrating the power of collective action in the fight against modern slavery. By creating spaces where survivors can lead and advocate for their rights, we not only empower individuals but also strengthen global efforts to end modern slavery.

Harsh Realities of Forced Labor and Child Labor in West Africa’s Cocoa Industry

The newly released reports on Nigeria and Ghana offer an in-depth examination of how forced labor and child labor continue to underpin cocoa production in these countries. Despite being among the top cocoa producers globally, Nigeria and Ghana have long struggled with the dark side of this industry.

Survivor-Led Training and Awareness Events in the DRC

These events underscore the importance of a united and inclusive approach to combating modern slavery. By involving survivors directly in leadership roles and using innovative methods to raise awareness, Free the Slaves is demonstrating a comprehensive strategy to tackle this global issue.

Strengthening Survivor Voices: Training with Survivor Groups in the Philippines

This initiative represents more than just empowerment; it is about creating leaders who can drive meaningful change in their communities and inspire others to join the fight against human trafficking. By focusing on survivor leadership, we are building a movement that is rooted in the experiences and voices of those who have lived through the horrors of trafficking, ensuring that their insights guide our collective efforts to end modern slavery.

Through thousands of us working together…

People Freed from Slavery

People Educated to Prevent Slavery

Government Officials Trained

You can help us free the slaves, mobilize communities, care for survivors, and advocate for global action.