by Terry FitzPatrick | Jun 20, 2019 | Advocacy, FTS Model for Freedom, FTS Updates, Haiti, Senegal, Thought Leadership
Good news today from the U.S. State Department. Both Haiti and Senegal have been removed from the Tier Two Watch List in the annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report, an indication that the governments of both countries are increasing their efforts to combat human...
by Free the Slaves | Apr 23, 2019 | I Am the Change, Senegal, Thought Leadership
My journey to becoming a human rights activist began while I was a high school. During holiday breaks, my classmates and I organized “Framing Camps” to benefit children in our neighborhood. Later, I had an opportunity to attend a child rights workshop and...
by Terry FitzPatrick | Aug 21, 2018 | Faith in Action, FTS Model for Freedom, Senegal
It doesn’t look like much, just a small brick building with a dirt floor and tin roof. But it’s a major step in ending child slavery in Senegal. Residents of Medina Samba Diamanka have typically sent their children to boarding schools in the city to learn the Quran...