by Terry FitzPatrick | Mar 17, 2015 | FTS Updates
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably noticed that the FTS blog has moved! It’s now part of the newly-designed Free the Slaves website, which we’ve launched over the past few days. Our new online look and structure is designed to provide you with quicker, more...
by Terry FitzPatrick | Mar 6, 2015 | India
Free the Slaves South Asia Director Supriya Awasthi has great news to share with FTS supporters for International Women’s Day on Sunday. The photo she sent recently says it all. The women of Hirapur are free! That’s Supriya in front on the right. She and our...
by Staff | Mar 2, 2015 | FTS Updates
The Free the Slaves founders will tell you that people thought they were nuts. Most Americans learned in school that slavery ended with the Civil War. Sure, there are exploited workers in the world today, the founders would hear, but surely it wasn’t slavery. The...
by Terry FitzPatrick | Feb 27, 2015 | Advocacy, Slavery in the News
One of the biggest challenges facing the anti-slavery movement is a lack of funding. The amount of money dedicated by governments worldwide to enforcing anti-slavery laws and protecting those at risk of enslavement is just a small fraction of the billions in annual...
by Free the Slaves | Jan 29, 2015 | Students Ending Slavery
This week, a Free the Slaves college chapter held a candlelight vigil called “Hope Rising” to honor victims and survivors of human trafficking. Students at Loyola University Chicago gathered in a circle on a snowy night outside the central hub of their campus. As...