by Terry FitzPatrick | Jan 1, 2016 | Advocacy, Become an Abolitionist, Faith in Action, I Am the Change, Slavery-Free Commerce, Students Ending Slavery, Take Action
January is a perfect opportunity to mobilize your friends, family, neighbors, classmates, clients, congregants, co-workers and everyone you know. Join us in January to raise the visibility of slavery as one of the world’s greatest human rights problems. It’s a problem...
by Free the Slaves | Dec 23, 2015 | Advocacy, Congo, Faith in Action, FTS Model for Freedom, Thought Leadership
Seventeen religious leaders from different faiths agreed they’ll take action with their congregations to confront modern slavery, following an in-depth workshop with Free the Slaves and our Congolese partner organizations in Goma earlier this month.The training...
by Maurice Middleberg | Apr 2, 2014 | FTS Updates, Take Action
April is an important month for many faith communities, with Passover and Easter coming soon. So I’d like to encourage you to join us at Free the Slaves in reflecting on the important connection between faith and freedom. If you belong to a church, synagogue,...