More than 1,000 People Freed From Slavery

Our 2016 annual results demonstrate that Free the Slaves liberates people from slavery and changes the conditions that allow slavery to persist. We’re not only helping people break free, we’re ensuring they stay free and nobody takes their place in bondage. Here is a by-the-numbers summary of our impact last year: Other 2016 Impact Highlights: […]
May 30, 2017

Our 2016 annual results demonstrate that Free the Slaves liberates people from slavery and changes the conditions that allow slavery to persist. We’re not only helping people break free, we’re ensuring they stay free and nobody takes their place in bondage. Here is a by-the-numbers summary of our impact last year:

Other 2016 Impact Highlights:

DATA SURGE: We have been meticulously monitoring the implementation of our community-based model by in-country partner organizations to evaluate its effectiveness. Our three-year intensive field testing concluded in 2016. Our team is now crunching the numbers. We’ll keep you posted.

NEW COUNTRY: The new “Protect Our Children” project in Senegal aims to stem the flow of children into street begging slavery. Many children are lured from villages to cities by traffickers posing as educators at religious boarding schools. We’re educating parents about the dangers and helping legitimate schools weed-out imposters.

NEW RESEARCH: Harvard University researchers say the FTS model is changing lives in India. A 2016 study found our strategy is “reducing indebtedness and threats of violence, improving wage levels and generating a sense of collective efficacy.” This led to “a strong effect on food security, access to medical care, civic participation and take up of government programs.” Also in India, an FTS pilot project showed that cell phones are an excellent way to educate those in slavery about their rights.

CELEBRATING INNOVATION: Free the Slaves honored the work of Smarthan with a Freedom Award in 2016, recognizing their innovative use of radio to fight poverty and bonded labor slavery in India. The group received a $10,000 prize to expand its work.

Our full 2016 annual report will be available later this year. See previous annual reports here.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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