Katie Ford Foundation Produces PSA for the Philippines

Human Trafficking – FULL V5 from Jeth Weinrich on Vimeo. Katie Ford is the CEO of the Katie Ford Foundation. Formerly the Global Ambassador for Free the Slaves and the CEO of Ford Models, Inc., Ford is an influential activist in the anti-slavery movement. Here, she writes about the anti-slavery PSA the Katie Ford Foundation […]
March 24, 2011

Human Trafficking – FULL V5 from Jeth Weinrich on Vimeo.

Katie Ford is the CEO of the Katie Ford Foundation. Formerly the Global Ambassador for Free the Slaves and the CEO of Ford Models, Inc., Ford is an influential activist in the anti-slavery movement. Here, she writes about the anti-slavery PSA the Katie Ford Foundation produced for the Philippines. The PSA begins: “So many people dream of working abroad, to secure a better future for themselves, and their families.”

A still from the anti-slavery PSA produced by the Katie Ford Foundation

Partnering with Ford Model’s Super Model of the World talent search, the Katie Ford Foundation develops campaigns to raise awareness about human trafficking. So far such campaigns have taken place in Montenegro, Ireland, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Malaysia and the Philippines.

The campaigns vary from country to country. However, in addition to providing information about Free the Slaves, we always partner with a local anti-trafficking organization that has a trafficking hotline. This partnership raises awareness of the local organization’s efforts and resources, and strengthens the campaign by presenting the chosen country’s specific issues.

As an outcome of the original 2009 campaign, the initiative in the Philippines has expanded into a yearlong awareness project, launching in 2011. The foundation produced this film to be shown in malls, on television, and in presentations during the 2011 Spring Filipino Fashion Week; and during Visayan Forum’s 2011 Commitment Week. The film aims to raise awareness among the general public about human trafficking, and also to raise awareness about the help that Visayan Forum can provide.

This film was created in partnership with Visayan Forum, Ford Super Model of the World, Asian modeling agency Calcarrie’s and The U.S. State Department. The PSA was directed by Jeth Weinrich of RedWorld Media. See other versions of this PSA here.

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