Historic Benchmark: 12,000 People Freed from Slavery

Inspiring news to report today: Free the Slaves has liberated 12,000 people from slavery! That’s worth saying twice. Free the Slaves has liberated 12,000 people from slavery! People who had been forced to do backbreaking work for no pay, by ruthless criminals who use fraud to trick the vulnerable and violence to imprison them in inhuman […]
May 12, 2016

Inspiring news to report today: Free the Slaves has liberated 12,000 people from slavery! That’s worth saying twice. Free the Slaves has liberated 12,000 people from slavery!

People who had been forced to do backbreaking work for no pay, by ruthless criminals who use fraud to trick the vulnerable and violence to imprison them in inhuman conditions, are now walking free. Free.

Free the Slaves hit this historic benchmark late last year. Our complete 2015 programmatic results are now available. They are truly remarkable, with more than 1,100 people freed in a single year, and 74 traffickers arrested. We helped 327,000 people avoid slavery through awareness raising and rights education. We provided direct support to more than 4,000 people in more than 1,700 villages, and trained more than 1,400 officials how to enforce anti-slavery laws.

If there’s a single word that sums up your impact as a donor to Free the Slaves, it’s this: RESULTS.  And these are your results. You make the difference between slavery and freedom. The community-based programs you support in the world’s worst slavery hot spots are delivering impressive results for victims and the vulnerable. Thank you!

Learn more about our community-based strategy for fighting slavery here, and watch our animated video that explains the four-step process in just three minutes.

Let’s keep up the momentum! Please join our spring Free-A-Village fundraisier. We’re nearly at the half-way point. We need you, now.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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