Freedom Fest, San Diego!

The world is full of Freedom Fests! Last Friday and Saturday Luc and the Lovingtons, a Seattle based band used their reggae funk beats to get people in LA and San Diego dancing for a cause. After spending the weekend with these amazing individuals I experienced a deep appreciation for music makers living their lyrics. […]
September 8, 2010

The world is full of Freedom Fests!

Last Friday and Saturday Luc and the Lovingtons, a Seattle based band used their reggae funk beats to get people in LA and San Diego dancing for a cause. After spending the weekend with these amazing individuals I experienced a deep appreciation for music makers living their lyrics. If music is the universal language, than I believe musicians have a great opportunity to communicate what people are saying around the world. These guys sing songs of freedom and love, two things many people are crying out for and everyone deserves. Big thanks to everyone that made these events happen. There is nothing more inspiring than communities combining all of their talents and passions to make change.

Anyone can set up a freedom festival. Sarah Newton and Jennifer Peterkin did it on Sunday in Philadelphia. They raised money from local businesses and individual donations to cover the expenses so that 100% of the profits raised that day could go to Free the Slaves. They featured a variety of local musicians, dancers, actors and speakers, all speaking out against slavery. I hear their event was great. I can’t wait to see photos!

The event we did on Friday in Los Angeles was thrown together in just a few days. A local studio was gracious enough to donate their space, the band was already coming through on their way to San Diego, we asked around for a few more local talents to donate their time, opened up the doors, and invited people in from off the street. What I love about these gatherings is if one more person learns about modern day slavery then it was a success.

So invite your local talent, open your doors, and empower your community to come together in the name of freedom!

See a gallery of Freedom Fest, San Diego after the jump >>


Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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