If you work for the U.S. government, you probably know what the letters CFC mean. It’s the Combined Federal Campaign, and it allows federal employees to donate to nonprofit groups automatically each month.
We’re happy to report that Free the Slaves has once again qualified for CFC contributions. Our CFC number is 11482. Federal employees have until the end of 2012 to determine their monthly charitable contributions for 2013.
Recurring donations, no matter how large or small, are vital so FTS can budget for ongoing frontline work in India, Nepal, Ghana, Congo, Brazil and Haiti.
As you might imagine, cash flow is essential to a nonprofit organization. We can’t spend what we don’t have. That’s why a base of recurring donations is important. It sustains momentum, so we can help those in slavery to escape and assist the vulnerable to resist enslavement in the first place.
Thanks to the many federal employees who already contribute to Free the Slaves—please spread the word that our CFC number is 11482.