Send a FTS Holiday E-Card and Help Spread Freedom

There’s a word that you don’t often hear at this time of year. But it’s a word that embodies how your concern for others is changing lives around the world. That word is TRIUMPH. When families in slavery break free and step into lives of fulfillment, it’s a TRIUMPH over the forces of bondage. When […]
December 19, 2012

There’s a word that you don’t often hear at this time of year. But it’s a word that embodies how your concern for others is changing lives around the world. That word is TRIUMPH.

When families in slavery break free and step into lives of fulfillment, it’s a TRIUMPH over the forces of bondage.

When women in slavery regain control of their destiny and return to lives of dignity, it’s a TRIUMPH over oppression.

And when children in slavery are freed, and they begin to study and play and smile once again, it’s a TRIUMPH for all of humanity.

Your contributions to Free the Slaves help make these triumphs possible. We hope you’ll continue your support with a holiday or year-end donation, in your name or in honor of a friend, colleague or relative. Click TRIUMPH to contribute.

Free the Slaves works with frontline activists in 600 hot spot communities where modern slavery continues to thrive. We liberate slaves, ensure they remain free, and change the social, economic and political dynamics that allow slavery to persist. We have completely wiped out slavery in many villages. Click TRIUMPH to help us spread freedom to others.

We couldn’t do it without you. You help empower people in slavery to restore purpose and stability to their families and communities. In freedom, happiness becomes possible.

Thank you for your ongoing support. Together, we will TRIUMPH over slavery.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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