One Year: How Trump Has Affected Global Slavery

Saturday marks the first anniversary of Donald Trump’s inauguration – and around the world there will be Women’s Marches in major cities. For Free the Slaves, the anniversary is a moment to take stock of Trump promises and performance. In February, Trump pledged to end modern slavery by devoting more resources. However, his administration has […]
January 19, 2018

Saturday marks the first anniversary of Donald Trump’s inauguration – and around the world there will be Women’s Marches in major cities. For Free the Slaves, the anniversary is a moment to take stock of Trump promises and performance.

In February, Trump pledged to end modern slavery by devoting more resources. However, his administration has proposed spending less on key anti-slavery programs. He has not yet nominated an ambassador to run the State Department’s anti-trafficking department. His actions on immigration and his statements about countries where slavery is worst raise questions about whether Trump will honor his commitments.

What can you do on January 20th and beyond?

  1. Spread the Word: If you are attending a Women’s March event, talk about the Trump record on modern slavery with fellow marchers. More than 70 percent of slavery victims are women and girls. Ending slavery is a women’s issue. Share our Trafficking & Slavery Fact Sheet.
  2. Finance Freedom: Your contributions have empowered our front-line activists to liberate more than 13,000 people. We don’t free slaves, you do.
  3. Be a Conscientious Consumer: Buy fair trade products whenever you can – and check your retirement plan to be sure your contributions go to a socially-responsible fund. Don’t finance slavery. See our Slavery Free Commerce webpagefor tips.

We can overcome slavery if we all pull together. Thank you for your continued support.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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