News Reports: Trump Pledges to Make “Ending” Human Trafficking a Priority

“President Donald Trump says he will bring the ‘full force and weight’ of the U.S. government to combat an ‘epidemic’ of human trafficking,” according to the Associated Press coverage of today’s listening session with several anti-slavery organizations at the White House. “We’re going to help a lot,” he said, noting that the federal government is […]
February 23, 2017

“President Donald Trump says he will bring the ‘full force and weight’ of the U.S. government to combat an ‘epidemic’ of human trafficking,” according to the Associated Press coverage of today’s listening session with several anti-slavery organizations at the White House.

“We’re going to help a lot,” he said, noting that the federal government is already devoting resources to the problem but that “we’re going to be devoting more.” See his full remarks here.


The meeting was attended by a representative of the Generation Freedom network, a coalition of more than 150 organizations including Free the Slaves, which asked the major presidential candidates during the election campaign to substantially increase resources to fighting slavery if elected. The Generation Freedom Platform was presented to President Trump and his team at the meeting. The Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking (ATEST), also a member of Generation Freedom, has published a 20-point set of recommendations for the new administration.   

Today’s meeting was also attended by Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and several government officials. “Ivanka recommended the meeting to the president,” according to a source quoted this morning in coverage by Axios.

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