The Stop Modern Slavery Walk at the National Mall in Washington, DC is right around the corner. And Free the Slaves is looking for people to join our team!
If you are on DC on Saturday, October 23, we want you to walk with us. To take part, go to, and register. Select “Join a team,” and pick “Free the Slaves”! Bring friends, neighbors, families, distant acquaintances, bitter enemies—all are welcome.
Joanna Castle Miller, on her blog Marginalized People wrote a piece today about why she plans to walk against slavery:
“It is to join physically with the many men, women and children who are currently wandering against their wills.
While we walk the streets getting somewhere important, window shopping, working out, goofing off, or even raising money for a great cause, we often forget that wandering for pleasure is a luxury.
In walking for marginalized people, we can act out with our bodies the migrant life.”
For more information on Team Free the Slaves, contact us. See you at the National Mall!