You Can Stop Trump Budget Cuts From Keeping People in Slavery

Your tax dollars have helped combat slavery worldwide. America has been the global leader in funding front-line anti-trafficking programs run by nonprofit organizations like Free the Slaves. Just this year, our team rescued three boys from traffickers on the very day they were being sent into forced begging slavery in Senegal. There are thousands of […]
June 8, 2017

Your tax dollars have helped combat slavery worldwide. America has been the global leader in funding front-line anti-trafficking programs run by nonprofit organizations like Free the Slaves. Just this year, our team rescued three boys from traffickers on the very day they were being sent into forced begging slavery in Senegal. There are thousands of success stories like this. Many of the 13,000 people we have liberated from slavery are free because of federal funding.

Many more need help, but a Trump administration proposal to radically reduce anti-trafficking programs jeopardizes their chance for freedom. The president’s 2018 federal budget eliminates the State Department’s End Modern Slavery Initiative and the program at the Labor Department’s International Labor Affairs that provides grants for front-line anti-trafficking work.

You can ensure that the world’s march to freedom does not slow down because of Trump budget cuts. Grassroots contributions from donors like you safeguard Free the Slaves programs and the vulnerable communities we serve.

Our activists are helping children and adults break free every day in six of the world’s worst trafficking hot spot countries. Many of these children had lost hope of happiness in life. Now, they’re in school. Many adults had no idea that escaping daily beatings and humiliation was possible. Now, they’re running their own microenterprises, supporting their families with pride and dignity.

Combating slavery is one of America’s most important contributions to global humanity. As individuals, as a community of people who care, we must step up when our president proposes to step back.

Thank you for your support.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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