Why I Don’t Buy Into Slavery

I am a descendant of slaves. Some of my ancestors were from Malaysia and Indonesia, brought to South Africa to work in the port of Cape Town. It always surprises Americans when I tell them that people were brought to Africa more than a century ago and enslaved. Recently, I was the one who was […]
October 24, 2018

I am a descendant of slaves. Some of my ancestors were from Malaysia and Indonesia, brought to South Africa to work in the port of Cape Town.

It always surprises Americans when I tell them that people were brought to Africa more than a century ago and enslaved.

Recently, I was the one who was surprised. I had the honor of producing the new Free the Slaves video, “Don’t Buy into Slavery.”

I was amazed to see the haunting images of the many, many forms of slavery around the world today, and to realize people in slavery make products we buy every day.

I hope this video is an eye-opener for you. It was for me. Please share it, and spread the word!

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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