by Maurice Middleberg | Jun 24, 2016 | FTS Model for Freedom, FTS Updates, Thought Leadership
Today we are thrilled to release a poignant new film that features the work of Free the Slaves around the world. Two extraordinary volunteers journeyed to the front lines of slavery to meet survivors and activists. Their film uncovers the brutality of hidden slavery...
by Terry FitzPatrick | Feb 24, 2016 | Uncategorized
The U.S. can make history by leading the charge to eradicate human trafficking – if political will and funding are provided to support America’s strong talk against modern slavery, says Free the Slaves Executive Director Maurice Middleberg.“The next president of the...
by Free the Slaves | Mar 26, 2015 | Artists Against Slavery, FTS Updates, I Am the Change
Before I read John Bowe’s book Nobodies: and the Dark Side of the New Global Economy (2007), I had been kicking around the idea that I would someday write a novel that explored the legacy of slavery and its connections to discrimination and racism in the United...
by Free the Slaves | Aug 4, 2014 | Take Action
Modern slavery. It’s a global challenge that we all know needs to be solved. But the issue is so broad that it can be easy as individuals to think that we can’t do anything about it. Anti-slavery veteran Matt Friedman from the Breaking the Links Campaign...
by Terry FitzPatrick | Dec 12, 2012 | Slavery in the News, Take Action
A roadmap to strengthen America’s efforts to combat modern slavery was delivered to the White House today. It’s called “The Path to Freedom.” It’s filled with dozens of specific recommendations for the Obama administration’s second term. The report was prepared by the...