by Terry FitzPatrick | May 29, 2012 | Uncategorized
Lisa Kristine has seen a lot. She’s traveled the world to photograph remote indigenous peoples. So she was “floored” at a conference when she heard that slavery still exists in the modern world. She’d never seen it in all her journeys. Or had she? You can read about...
by Terry FitzPatrick | Apr 30, 2012 | FTS Updates
You may already have seen some of Lisa Kristine’s captivating photographs that feature work of Free the Slaves around the world. Now, you can see Lisa talk about her experiences capturing the reality of slavery in mine shafts, brick kilns and makeshift brothels....
by Terry FitzPatrick | Mar 30, 2012 | Take Action
We’re really close to our goal, with just a few days left to our special campaign. FTS supporters have been answering the call donate the book Slavery to California schools and libraries. You can put us over the top on our Freedom Education Project on Indie GoGo. All...
by Free the Slaves | Feb 9, 2012 | Take Action
Saturday, February 12th is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. You were probably taught in school that he’s the president who ended slavery. Sorry to tell you that your teacher was misinformed. Lincoln helped make slavery illegal. But that hasn’t prevented slavery from still...
by Free the Slaves | Dec 6, 2011 | FTS Updates, Take Action, Uncategorized
We’re really excited to announce the launch of our new crowdfunding initiative, The Freedom Education Project! Based on platform IndieGoGo, the goal is simple– get 27 copies of Slavery: The Book donated to California Public Schools and Libraries. The book will...