by Terry FitzPatrick | Dec 26, 2017 | Artists Against Slavery, Become an Abolitionist, Faith in Action, I Am the Change, Take Action
Free the Slaves donors all have one thing in common: a burning desire to make slavery a thing of the past. That’s why we sent award-winning documentary filmmakers this year to spotlight four Free the Slaves donors to learn how they discovered that slavery still...
by Free the Slaves | Dec 5, 2017 | Artists Against Slavery, Become an Abolitionist, FTS Model for Freedom, I Am the Change, Take Action
Over a 30-year career, Lisa Kristine has documented native cultures and causes in more than 100 countries. She is an internationally acclaimed humanitarian photographer. Today she is a global voice of anti-slavery activism. Yet it wasn’t always so. Seeing Slavery at...
by Terry FitzPatrick | Jul 24, 2014 | Take Action
Editor’s Note: Many FTS contributors are embracing The Power of 12 by scheduling automatic monthly donations. This form of support is especially valuable since it helps us know that a regular level of funding is coming, avoiding the risks of boom-and-bust cycles...
by Free the Slaves | May 21, 2014 | Uncategorized
If you can invest just one hour to learn about modern-day slavery and what can be done to end it, you should watch the new documentary film #standiwithme. After premiering in 30 U.S. cities earlier this year, the movie is now available to watch online. People who...
by Terry FitzPatrick | Dec 18, 2013 | FTS Updates
They’re being billed as an “anti-trafficking trio” who “share a passion for freedom.” And they’ll be on the Web live today during a Google Hangout organized by Forbes magazine. The conversation begins at 3 p.m. ET. The trio is FTS Executive Director Maurice...