by Free the Slaves | Mar 26, 2015 | Artists Against Slavery, FTS Updates, I Am the Change
Before I read John Bowe’s book Nobodies: and the Dark Side of the New Global Economy (2007), I had been kicking around the idea that I would someday write a novel that explored the legacy of slavery and its connections to discrimination and racism in the United...
by Terry FitzPatrick | Mar 19, 2015 | Become an Abolitionist, FTS Updates, I Am the Change, Take Action
Why climb Africa’s highest peak? Well, first, because it’s there, as climbers say. But most importantly: climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro can help end slavery. Three FTS supporters have just launched a fundraising campaign to help support Free the Slaves. Emma Norton, Neeraj...
by Terry FitzPatrick | Mar 17, 2015 | FTS Updates
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably noticed that the FTS blog has moved! It’s now part of the newly-designed Free the Slaves website, which we’ve launched over the past few days. Our new online look and structure is designed to provide you with quicker, more...
by Maurice Middleberg | Jan 1, 2015 | Take Action
January is a special month for the anti-slavery movement and Free the Slaves. It is trafficking awareness month, and there is a wide range of actions you can take to make a difference around the world. It’s also an important month in U.S. history: Congress gave final...
by Maurice Middleberg | Dec 31, 2014 | Become an Abolitionist, Take Action
As 2014 comes to a close, I’d like to connect you to the courageous Free the Slaves country directors and the communities in which they are carrying out groundbreaking work. They are your personal ambassadors of liberation. They have dedicated their lives to...