by Free the Slaves | Feb 14, 2011 | FTS Updates
The Global Action Forum is taking place later this week at the Beverly Hilton Hotel’s International Ball Room. From Thursday, February 17 through Friday the 18th, socially conscious celebrities and activists from all over the world and all walks of life will...
by Terry FitzPatrick | Jan 10, 2011 | FTS Updates
When people learn that slavery still exists, even in the United States, they’re often compelled to take action. That’s why January is filled with gatherings, vigils, services and seminars to remind us that slavery in America hasn’t ended. “Thinking slavery ended with...
by Free the Slaves | Oct 19, 2010 | FTS Updates
Free the Slaves Global Ambassador Katie Ford has organized a fundraiser for Free the Slaves, taking place tomorrow, October 20 at the Top of the Standard Hotel in New York City. Michael Stipe, Helena Christensen and Andre Balazs will be there. ( did...