by Free the Slaves | Apr 29, 2014 | Congo, FTS Updates, Uncategorized
You might feel disconnected from events at remote mining sites in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). But American consumers are linked to the armed violence and slavery that grip eastern portions of the country. Many everyday products in our homes, offices...
by Terry FitzPatrick | Jun 11, 2013 | Take Action
Our friends at Walk Free in Australia have just released a new audio podcast, featuring FTS Co-Founder Kevin Bales, to explain that we all have a stake in ending modern-day slavery. It’s called “Slavery is Not a Game.” The 30-minute discussion is a terrific primer on...
by Free the Slaves | Mar 2, 2011 | Congo, FTS Updates
Free the Slaves, along with ten other NGOs—including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the Enough Project, and our ATEST partner World Vision—sent a letter this week to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urging immediate implementation of the conflict...
by Free the Slaves | Feb 14, 2011 | FTS Updates
The Global Action Forum is taking place later this week at the Beverly Hilton Hotel’s International Ball Room. From Thursday, February 17 through Friday the 18th, socially conscious celebrities and activists from all over the world and all walks of life will...