by Terry FitzPatrick | Dec 23, 2013 | Brazil
They’re committed. They’re armed. And they’re successful. Very successful. Like 46,000 slaves freed since 1995 successful. They’re the labor department’s mobile inspection units in Brazil. They swoop down on farms, ranches, mines, quarries, logging camps and factories...
by Free the Slaves | Oct 24, 2013 | Brazil, Uncategorized
Teachers in Brazil say the anti-slavery movement needs an infusion of fun to motivate children to think about trafficking. So, activists have created an imaginative and playful board game. It’s called Escravo, Nem Pensar! (“Slavery, No Way!”). To...
by Free the Slaves | Feb 8, 2013 | Brazil, Slavery in the News
The Brazilian state of São Paulo is taking a dramatic new step.The state’s governor has just signed a law to shut down companies caught using slave labor. Violators would be banned from opening a new business for 10 years.The man behind this groundbreaking law is...
by Terry FitzPatrick | May 24, 2012 | Brazil, Take Action
In a landmark vote that may set a global example for getting tough with traffickers, Brazilian lawmakers approved a constitutional amendment this week that allows authorities to confiscate land owned by slaveholders. FTS supporters helped make this happen, by joining...
by Terry FitzPatrick | Mar 15, 2012 | FTS Updates
Three amazing women will be honored this year as recipients of the Fourth Annual Free the Slaves Freedom Awards. Two are former slaves who have dedicated their lives to helping others to freedom. One is a former governmental official who has shown the world how to...