Act Now: Support SB 861

SLAVERY IN SUPPLY CHAINS The problem: Slavery in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It’s the deadliest spot in the poorest continent on earth. Millions have died in the conflict between rebel militias and the national army. At stake: vast mineral wealth and control of slaves who are forced to work in and round the mines. […]
April 8, 2011


The problem: Slavery in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It’s the deadliest spot in the poorest continent on earth. Millions have died in the conflict between rebel militias and the national army. At stake: vast mineral wealth and control of slaves who are forced to work in and round the mines. Free the Slaves investigators have found at least seven different types of slavery around Congo mines—including sexual enslavement of children, debt bondage, child soldiering and forced labor.
Your connection to slavery in Congo: Tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold from Congo mines end up in our laptops, cell phones, batteries and jewelry. The products you use every day could have the sweat and blood of slaves at their source.
Now you know.
A California solution: Support the Blood Minerals law (SB 861) Recently, Congress signed the DRC Conflict Minerals law, a landmark piece of federal legislation that requires companies to report what they are doing to eliminate conflict from the minerals in their supply chains. Now, a new California bill is in the works that will make it illegal for California to contract with companies that don’t comply with the federal Conflict Minerals law. On April 12, SB 861 was passed by a committee of the California State Senate. Up next: the bill will be brought to the Fiscal Committee. Let’s make California the first Blood Mineral-free state in the country. Sign the petition to show your support for the enactment of SB 861.

Goal signature: 1,000


Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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