We are so excited to share some new information about the upcoming Fair Trade Fashion Show with you! Have you purchased your ticket yet? You’ll want to after you hear who we have participating in the show!
Our host will be Nada Jones. She’s a consultant, entrepreneur, advocate and author. Her consultancy, nadajones.com , was created to support women in the early stages of their small businesses. Nada is also the Founder and Creative Director of LIBERTY, a multi-media platform (podcast, events, and shop) created to inspire and equip women to launch and grow their entrepreneurial ventures. We’re thrilled to have Nada serve as the face and voice of this year’s event!

Nada Jones | Host
Additionally, we are proud to announce that our pre-show panel discussion will be hosted by EcoSessions, the global event series that connects industry, designers, and citizens to discuss change. This 45 minute conversation with leaders from the fair trade world will set the tone for our runway show! Read about the moderator and panelists below!

Kestrel Jenkins | Conscious Chatter
Our moderator will be Kestrel Jenkins, the Founder and Producer of Conscious Chatter, a podcast dedicated to encouraging people to learn more about the garment industry and how we can all be a bigger part of positive change in it. Kestrel’s background in global studies and international journalism are what initially helped her merge two of her passions: social responsibility and fashion.

Mike Farid | Nature USA
Mike is the President of Nature USA, a full-service, vertically integrated garment manufacturing facility located in California. Mike explains his company’s commitment to social responsibility and environmental sustainability saying, “Our clothing is a reflection of who we are and how we want the world to be.”

Hoda Katebi | JooJoo Azad
Hoda is the writer and activist behind JooJoo Azad (“Free Bird” in Farsi), which is an online platform dedicated to the integration of ethical fashion and activism. As a photographer, author, community organizer, and political fashion blogger, Hoda believes in ethical and fair trade fashion, saying, “[It] is not just a trend. It’s the future and the much-needed present.”

Jeff Denby | Renewal Workshop & PACT Apparel
Jeff is the co-founder of both The Renewal Workshop and PACT Apparel. Both of his companies have a reputation for standing for ethics in the fashion industry. The Renewal Workshop offers industry-wide solutions to optimize the value of resources invested in apparel, while PACT is an award-winning organic apparel basics brand. Jeff’s passion is to transform apparel production by pioneering new models for social impact within global supply chains.
The Fair Trade Fashion Show is shaping up to be a wonderful event, and we’re so excited to have such talented industry leaders involved in it! We hope you will be able to join us. Purchase your ticket here!