“Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free”

Today brings a close to Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. But at Free the Slaves, it’s not a time to relax. We will not rest for one instant until everyone, everywhere is free from bondage. The great civil rights leader Fannie Lou Hamer noted that “nobody’s free until everybody’s free.” Dr. Martin Luther King […]
January 31, 2018

Today brings a close to Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. But at Free the Slaves, it’s not a time to relax. We will not rest for one instant until everyone, everywhere is free from bondage.

The great civil rights leader Fannie Lou Hamer noted that “nobody’s free until everybody’s free.”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. put it this way: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality.”

Our strategy at Free the Slaves is to build bridges, connecting our community of supporters to the communities plagued by slavery in trafficking hot spots around the globe. Your ongoing support of Free the Slaves makes the fieldwork of freedom possible. That’s why we say: We don’t free slaves, you do.

Spreading the Word: Our thanks to everyone who has helped spread the word this month by hosting house parties or events at offices, churches and schools – and those who’ve spread the word on mainstream media, social media and even at book club meetings. Your efforts are helping to build a social movement that demands slavery must finally end. Please don’t stop, our online awareness-raising tools are always available here.

Financing Freedom: Our thanks also to everyone who has contributed financially this month to Free the Slaves. Again, please don’t stop. Your ongoing donations ensure that our field offices in India, Nepal, Haiti, Ghana, Senegal and the Congo can work at peak capacity every single day. If you haven’t renewed your annual gift yet, please take a moment now to visit our donation page.

Conscientious Consumption and Investment: Our thanks also for your efforts to avoid slavery-tainted products and companies. You’re sending an important signal to corporate executives. We will be bringing you news later this year of important new Free the Slaves developments to promote slavery-free fair trade commerce. Stay tuned! If you haven’t signed up for our newsletter mailing list, click here to get connected.

Stay in Touch: Lastly, if you haven’t been following us on Facebook or Twitter, you may have missed our series of 30-second videos each work day in January featuring Free the Slaves donors who have turned their awareness of modern slavery into activism to end it. If you’re a binge-watcher, you can see the entire series here!

We end the month the way we began it, with this vital call to get involved from Harvard historian Timothy Patrick McCarthy.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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