National Call-In Day Tuesday Sept 4th: Your Help Needed to Get Senate’s Attention

There’s a risk that the bill authorizing U.S. anti-slavery programs will soon die amid Washington gridlock. That’s not because slavery is a partisan issue. It’s because abolitionists haven’t convinced Congress that fighting slavery is something Americans care deeply about. We have to get the U.S. Senate’s attention. Please mark your calendar to take 10 minutes […]
August 30, 2012

There’s a risk that the bill authorizing U.S. anti-slavery programs will soon die amid Washington gridlock. That’s not because slavery is a partisan issue. It’s because abolitionists haven’t convinced Congress that fighting slavery is something Americans care deeply about. We have to get the U.S. Senate’s attention.

Please mark your calendar to take 10 minutes on Tuesday September 4th to contact your U.S. senators. There’s a good chance that the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act, known as TVPRA or S. 1301, can win Senate approval. But we must let our U.S. senators know that it’s a priority.

The window for action is very small. So the entire anti-slavery movement is mobilizing next Tuesday, right after the Labor Day holiday, to let the Senate know we’re watching. Calling your senators is the most important political act you can take this year, except for voting.

Please go to this special website to get contact information for your U.S. senators, and to download talking points about what to say when you call:

The TVPRA was originally passed in 2000 and must be renewed every three years. The law authorizes authorities to raid brothels and sweatshops, freeing slaves and prosecuting traffickers. It enables rescue shelters and rehabilitation programs to operate, inside the U.S. and overseas. The TVPRA helps Free the Slaves conduct programs that you support in India and Haiti.

In the past, reauthorization has been a bipartisan effort bringing lawmakers together, even in polarized times. That’s still true today. But with the end of the congressional session fast approaching, there’s a risk this vital law will be overlooked for the first time since it was initially enacted.

You can ensure that the U.S. remains a global leader in combating slavery and trafficking. Please act on Tuesday September 4th to get the Senate’s attention. And please spread the word to others.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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