Links: Slavery in the News

ABC News: Florida sting nabs 15 men looking for sex with children:”Nabbed at an undercover, surburban home rigged with cameras, the men now face a variety of sex-related charges. They drove from all over central Florida, Judd said, responding to ads placed on Craigslist or Internet chatrooms looking for men to teach children as young as […]
August 17, 2010
  • Reports of child labor rise in Namibia: “In general, the problem of child labor is slowly getting better around the world…So if child labor reports are on the rise in Namibia, is [sic] could mean a number of things. It’s possible that Namibia is just doing a better job of finding existing child labor, which would be a good thing. On the other hand, it could mean that for some reason Namibia is not benefiting from the overall decline in child labor.”
  • The Independent: Revealed: The horrific trade in British children for sex: “information on the trafficking of young people for sex within Britain is so scant that experts say the first official figures confirming the trade…are just ‘the very, very tip of the iceberg’. Figures from the UK Human Trafficking Centre for April 2009 to March 2010 show only 38 Britons were registered as victims. This comes after a snapshot survey by the children’s charity Barnardo’s revealed it worked with 609 sexually exploited children last year, of whom 90 appeared to have been trafficked within the UK.”

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