FTS Today on CNN: Stopping Slave Trade in Libya & Beyond

Free the Slaves believes in stopping slavery at its source by changing the conditions that allow slavery to exist. You can read about this important strategic focus today in a CNN.com op-ed from FTS Executive Director Maurice Middleberg. “How to Stop the Slave Trade in Libya and Beyond” is an important column as we observe […]
January 5, 2018

Free the Slaves believes in stopping slavery at its source by changing the conditions that allow slavery to exist. You can read about this important strategic focus today in a CNN.com op-ed from FTS Executive Director Maurice Middleberg. “How to Stop the Slave Trade in Libya and Beyond” is an important column as we observe Slavery and Trafficking Prevention Month.

“Perpetrators should be held accountable, victims must be protected or returned home. But shutting down one slave market or even several won’t address the many, insidious forms of slavery that are less obvious though more common,” he writes.

We hope you will take a moment to read – and share – the FTS perspective on cutting off slavery at its roots. As we enter 2018, it’s vital that the world doesn’t forget that slave auctions have been happening in Libya, and that slavery is flourishing elsewhere.

We also hope you are moved to take action in January in three key ways:

  1. Spread the word to build awareness and help the anti-slavery movement grow
  2. Donate to Free the Slaves to make our courageous front-line work possible
  3. Be a conscientious consumer and investor by avoiding slavery-tainted products and companies.


Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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