You Are the Key that Opens the Lock

With your help, this year Free the Slaves will come within range of achieving a historic milestone for our organization: 10,000 people freed from slavery. In addition, this year we will support more than 45,000 people with education and empowerment programs. These...

How Education Conquers Child Slavery

It’s back-to-school time for many Free the Slaves supporters. That means it’s a perfect opportunity to reflect on the importance of educating a child. I thought I should share with you the observations of our development director, Lori Fitzmaurice, from...

On the Front Lines of Slavery in Congo

Under the lush green hills and red clay that surround Lubono village, lies gold. It’s the centerpiece of the local economy. Much of the mining here is carried out by what are called “artisanal” miners. This term masks the incredibly difficult and dangerous work in...